Category "cultural-awareness"

"No nudity" signs in changing rooms in Doha?

The changing rooms for the gym and pool at the Doha hotel I'm currently in has a sign up saying Please respect local customs, and avoid nudity whilst using

Traveling to Amish country

Am I allowed to bring my rental car into Amish country? Do they allow cameras for pictures? Will they understand what cameras are? I know it's a very agrarian

What kind of things can you take from a hotel?

Hotels normally provide a big amount of sets (well, depending on the quality, but however, many!) that can help you feel more comfortable there. So for example

Why do people in Taiwan sometimes use Western-sounding names?

Okay having traveled a bit around this country I commonly hear native taiwanese calling one another English or western sounding names. Am I simple fooling myse

Are non-Muslims allowed to build snowmen in Saudi Arabia and similar countries?

I recently read Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen'. A religious scholar issued a fatwa (which merely means legal opinion) against the building of sno

Should I give my Japanese host omiyage/gift when meeting them first or when I'm leaving?

I'll be visiting Japan soon and I'll be meeting a friend there. I was wondering if the etiquette there was to give a gift when you first arrive or when you'll

Bumping into people on the street in the UK

Probably most of us have been in this situation when walking on the street and somebody else coming in the opposite direction, for a moment both hesitate on whi

What gesture to make when hitchhiking in Iran?

According to Wikitravel, the thumbs up gesture is extremely offensive in Iran. However, it's generally what you use when indicating you wish to hitch a ride in

When someone in India asks for my "Good Name", what are they expecting?

Quite a few times now in India, from hotel staff to taxi staff to in shops, I've had someone ask me for my Good Name. A common form of this question is someone

How to behave in a museum? [closed]

While travelling, specially in cities, it is common to visit museums. Since tourists come from a lot of countries, you encounter other ways of

How common is open carry of firearms in the USA? [closed]

This winter, I am planning to go to the USA for the first time. One of my concerns is the presence of weapons in public. I just came back from

Is it socially/culturally acceptable for Indian/Sri Lankan people to visit the Oktoberfest?

I will be in Spain by the last few days in September, and since the Munich Oktoberfest ends on October 4th, I have a few days to visit Oktoberfest. I'm a Sri La

Why are Korean girls camera shy?

I am trying to understand the reason why Korean girls are so camera shy. Whenever they realize a public camera is on them in a situation an American girl would

Abaya standards in Saudi Arabia

My fiance and I have an opportunity to travel from the US to Saudi Arabia (we would get married before going to avoid any problems) but she is trying to determi

Need visa for brother to travel with me to UK

I am an Indian doctor working in the Gulf. I have applied for a visa to attend a post graduate exam. My employer has provided me with a letter for the UK Consul

Travelling as an unmarried Western couple in Indonesia

Basically this question but then for Indonesia. In the coming year I (male) plan to travel through Indonesia (Java and Sumatra) with my girlfriend. We will pro

Do doctors outside of US routinely shake hands with their patients and staff? [closed]

Researching whether fist-bumps indeed would transmit less bacteria than a handshake, I found that, apparently, shaking hands with your doctor

What headwear are women legally required to wear in Iran?

In Air France cabin crew angered by ruling to wear headscarves in Tehran, it's stated by Air France that women, even people who are presumably non-Iranian and n

Why is this bathroom symbol in Germany "00"?

I'm sitting in the Hofbräuhaus in Munich and just noticed that the signs for the bathroom are a symbol of a man and woman with a "00". Why is this the

Why do Japanese ATMs dispense money stacked differently to those in the west? [closed]

I recently went to Japan (specifically Osaka and a few other places around Kansai) for the first time in my life, and had an amazing time. One