Category "cultural-awareness"

Why do US hotels sandwich the blanket between two sheets instead of putting it inside a duvet cover?

Every US hotel I've stayed in so far sandwiched the blanket between two sheets, instead of putting it inside a duvet cover (example of what I'm talking about) l

Travelling as unmarried couple in Dubai

I'd wish to visit Dubai with my girlfriend, but after reading this travel advice and this question on sex and couples in Dubai I started to get a little worried

Christmas Dinner in Foreign Country

Due to flight mixups I am stranded in a foreign country for Christmas. How does one get invited to Christmas Dinner in Foreign Countries, specifically in Spa

How to prepare to host a Chinese guest on her first trip to Europe

I will shortly be hosting a female Chinese guest in my home for two days (I’m an Airbnb-er). She is travelling with her daughter, who is studying here in

Is wearing a keffiyeh as a scarf in South America inapproriate?

I am planning on taking my keffiyeh (a patterend black-white square scarf, commonly used as head cover in the Middle East) on my trip to Chile, Bolivia and Peru

"You look tired!" In which countries is this a compliment? [closed]

In which countries/cultures is "You look tired" a compliment? A travel for work and I often hear the phrase "You look tired" delivered as a c

Will having long hair (as a man) cause me problems when travelling in Muslim countries?

I usually have a ponytail, but when my hair is down it's past my shoulders. I have been considering travelling to a few different countries such as Iran or Alge

Observing Cultural Norms on 'Local' Islands in the Maldives

My partner and I are looking at going to the Maldives next year, and in an effort to keep the costs down, we are looking at spending time on local islands (some

Is paying for portrait photos good for the people in the community you're photographing?

Scenario: You go to a remote village in 3rd world country x. You see a photogenic wizened old man, or woman in traditional dress, etc and ask if you could take

Male visiting Iran with younger female companion

I am planning for a vacation in Iran. I am a European Union passport holder and would especially like to see the main architectural sites along the Teheran-Kash

Is EBM music regularly played anywhere social in South East Asia?

EBM music is an electronic "dark" and "underground" dance music with a few subtypes. Example: "New School" subtype Example: Industrial subtype Example: Anhalt

Should you sit in the back or the front of Swedish taxis?

In most American movies the passengers sit in the back. Is this also the case in Sweden or is it fine to sit in the front passenger seat? Also, the typical Lond

Are women allowed to have dreadlocks in the Maghreb region?

My friend and I are planning to travel to the Maghreb region once it is safer to do so. She has fairly long (maybe chest length) dreadlocks and we were wonderin

What is this contraption?

Below is a screenshot captured from a Google Street View scene. The scene shows a travellers' camp in Norfolk county in the The United Kingdom. It contains a m