Category "camping"

Backpacking in Europe for the first time [closed]

I'm thinking of a solo backpacking trip in Europe starting June for 1 to 2 months. I should be flying in from Singapore to Paris and my budget

Building an Igloo if camping is not allowed? (Switzerland/Liechtenstein)

It's winter time and therefore I'm thinking about how to spend the days between Christmas and New Year's Eve. We have the plan to build an igloo somewhere in th

What are the wild camping regulations in Iceland?

I've read here that "in Iceland you are allowed to do this by law as long as you stay away from houses and use common sense like you say". Wild camping in Icela

Is it possible to camp in Russia on a tourist visa?

I'm interested in crossing the border from Norway to Russia at Storskog, via car. We thought about driving to Murmansk or even not so far - Zapolyarny for insta

Camping in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park in Bolivia

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Amazon Basin, and is said to have an amazing diversity of plant and animal life. I've b

Where is the closest free beach where free camping is permitted to Georgia, the country?

When winter is over in Tbilisi and I can start hitchhiking again it would be good to find a nice warm free beach to camp on for a while. I know there is Vama V

Good mountains to camp on in Japan

I'm planning a trip to Japan next year. It will be my first time there. While there, I'll probably spend a few days hitting up the major tourist attractions,

Pros and Cons of a tent on the ground and its alternatives in Namibia

I am leaving for a three week vacation in Namibia in May (past rain season). A 4x4 car is rented and I plan to bring my own tent (and most other required campin

Are there alternatives to the ranger cabins in Algonquin Park?

Had stumbled upon the ranger cabins that Algonquin Park rents out during the season, but after doing some research, found that they're booked solid for the summ

Issues when camping during trek in Georgia?

What should I consider when planning to sleep in tents during trekking in Georgia? We plan to move for about 2 weeks to Georgia, about half that time in cities

Legal and security issues with wild camping in Ukrainian mountains?

What are the legal and security issues with wild camping in Ukrainian mountains? First of all: is it legal? I've heard, that many groups camp in mountains, inc

Random camping along Central and South Californian coastline

I'm from the UK and I am planning on spending about 6 days driving from San Francisco down possibly as far as San Diego and then back up again. I'd love to sto

Tent in hand luggage?

Can I carry a tent in hand luggage on a flight? Do poles/pegs present a threat? I mean, they could but they're going to be tightly packed and actually attempti

How can I find free camping locations in the U.S.?

While the weather is warm, I'm interested in saving some money on lodging by camping while I'm road-tripping across the U.S. Many state-parks offer very cheap

Are there some places I can stay for free in South Korea besides couch surfing?

I'm thinking of going home to Australia from Europe/Turkey via Korea because... well Korea is awesome and it's on the way home (-: But I'm almost out of money.

Are there any cafes serving breakfast in Bakewell / Peak District that are open around 8 AM on Sundays?

I will be camping near Bakewell this Saturday and I wanted to eat some warm breakfast in a nice cafe on Sunday. Does anyone know which cafe would be open around

Need experienced comments/thoughts on places in New England [closed]

I'm currently planning a trip with 2 other friends for the beginning of October. We'll be driving all around and may be doing spur of the mom

RV'ing in Canada - where can you stay to get facilities?

I'm seriously considering taking a RV from Vancouver to Toronto/Montreal in March/April. However, having never driven one before, I was wondering - where are y

Taking camping food for Skiing in Val Thorens?

I am going on a ski trip with Wasteland Ski in January to Val Thorens and the three valleys also. After looking at some of the restaurants in Val Thorens being

What are my options for accommodation whilst travelling by bicycle [closed]

I am travelling by bike, taking a tent, but what other options are available? For example, camping in Siberia in winter = bad or is it? Campin