Category "australia"

Driving license in Australia

We will be in Australia for a few days and I was considering renting a car. Is a standard European license (we have Polish and Italian) good enough, or do we ne

Possibility and price of getting to Lord Howe Island by sea?

I'm having trouble finding details of getting to Lord Howe Island other than by the expensive flights. Wikipedia implies that the ship that brings supplies can

Visiting Daintree Rainforest on an budget

In the Lonely Planet guide for Australia Daintree is the top #6 attraction. The guide book claims there are (among other things) mountain treks, self-guided wal

Transit visa needed for Australia when flying from New Zealand to South Africa?

I'm flying with Qantas from Johannesburg to New Zealand in 9 days. On the way back I have to wait 14 hours for next flight. Not going to leave the airport (Melb

Seeing Penguins "in the wild" in Sydney

Are there places near Sydney, Australia where one can see penguins in the wild (not in a zoo)? If so, what's the best way to catch a glimpse of these cute cre

Transport Melbourne to Byron bay via Gold Coast Airport

I currently stay in Melbourne Australia and I want to get to Byron Bay. So what is a convenient and inexpensive way to get from the Gold Coast Airport to Byron

How much does it add to a North America / Australia journey to go "the wrong way"?

North American flights to Australia generally involve getting to the west coast (LAX or YVR) and then crossing the Pacific. I believe Air Canada used to have a

What is the cheapest way to get from Thailand to Australia with a car?

Imagine I have a car in Thailand and I want to get Australia, is there any ferry that cross from Asia to Australia? How much is it? No problem if have to drive

Classic Aussie pub (hotel) in central Sydney

I'll be meeting my dad in Sydney next month, and after dinner (already got that scoped out) we'd like to head to a nice, old-school, civilized pub/hotel for a b

How do I know if my Australia ETA is approved? [duplicate]

I received a email saying that I would need to check again within 12 hours. However when I check my ETA status at

What is the indoor climbing wall closest to the centre of Sydney?

I will stay in central Sydney for a few days and would like to do some climbing one evening. What would be the closest (or most convenient to get to without a c

Is there a cheapest city / airline / season to fly one-way from anywhere in Europe to Australia?

Sooner or later in the next few months my money is going to run out and I'll have to get back to Australia from some point in Europe. Since Europe is big and m

Dingo fence - how to visit?

Although being "only" a fence, it is unusually interesting, because of its extraordinary purpose and length. What are the most interesting parts of the Dingo

Australian to Japanese power converter?

I am planning to charge my phone and camera while in Japan and am wondering if I will need to purchase a power socket converter? Also, is the wattage in Japan t

One slightly groggy day in Sydney alone - what to see? [closed]

Tonight I leave for Sydney, Australia and I will arrive early Thursday morning. The event I am attending kicks off Friday. I plan to sleep as

What would a month holiday to Australia from Amsterdam/Brussels roughly cost to a family of four? [closed]

We would really like to visit Australia next year. We are a couple with two kids. We are still in the very early stage of planning. This means

Where to go in Australia when traveling with (small) children

We would like to go to Australia. For now our desire is "just" Australia, although we are fully aware of the size of the country. We would be traveling in our s

Options for Cooking while visiting Australia

I asked a similar question about Canada and was advised to make a separate one for Australia. I'm planning to travel to Australia on my own for about one month

Can a student visa to Australia be changed to a working holiday visa after the course without having to leave the country?

A friend here in Korea just told me he wants to get a student visa to study in Australia for six months then switch to a working holiday visa. I know Koreans a

Precautions to take for travelers when doing short-term apartment rental

I'm considering short term apartment rental (about 2 months) while travelling to Canada and Australia, probably with roommates. What precautions should I take