Category "athens"

Train from Athens to Thessaloniki: do I need an advance ticket?

I've traveled by rail in Europe before, but mostly in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Italy. Next month I'll be in Greece, and I have air tickets into Athens a

Time between flights at Athens Airport

We have our flight on Emirates 210 arriving at Athens at 16:05 and then have a flight on Olympic Air (operated by Aegean Air) at 19:10. Is the time sufficient t

Late Landing at Athens and M3 Airport Line

I will be landing at Athens Airport on a Friday evening around 23:00, and from this page, I see that the last train from airport is from 23:30. Are there no lat

Athens Museums & Monuments Combined Ticket Online Purchase

I am planning to buy the combined ticket from this official Greek website, but on the last screen I get the following text; New: Skip the ticket office line

Things to do during a five-hour layover in Athens, Greece?

I'm going to be in the Athens airport for five and a half hours. I know the city is quite a distance away. Is there anything of interest nearby that I could d

Where to buy Sobranie cigarettes in Athens, Greece [closed]

I tried searching for Sobranie cigarettes in Athens, I searched the whole city center but nobody even knows what it is. Also tried looking it

What is an easy alternative to flying to Athens from London?

Will be traveling to Athens to meet a cruiseship this December so long as Covid allows, though i do not want to fly, so i looked in to alternative means of gett

Why is this park in Athens hidden from view in Google (but not Bing)?

I noticed a purposely blurred area in Athens in Google Maps: It seems that this is a normal botanical park, I could not find anything sensitive there (which is