Can one return to the UK following international travel whilst on immigration bail?

Can one return to the UK following international travel whilst on immigration bail? - Crop unrecognizable person demonstrating British passport

My visa to the UK was expired, and I got arrested due to a misunderstanding and false suspicion of criminal activity. The criminal allegation was quickly dropped, but upon being booked into jail, they found that my visa was expired and informed me that I would likely be removed the next day. Instead I was released on granted immigration bail for three months. During those three months, what is my status in the UK? I am meant to report to a particular address on my bail conclusion date, but in the meantime until that date, could I travel to other countries, and then smoothly return to the UK before my bail date to report to the home office as instructed?


Pictures about "Can one return to the UK following international travel whilst on immigration bail?"

Can one return to the UK following international travel whilst on immigration bail? - Top view of crop anonymous person holding toy airplane on colorful world map drawn on chalkboard
Can one return to the UK following international travel whilst on immigration bail? - Top view of miniature airplane placed on over gray world map with crop hand of anonymous person indicating direction representing travel concept
Can one return to the UK following international travel whilst on immigration bail? - Bridge over River in City

What does it mean to be granted immigration bail?

A person may be subject to immigration bail when their immigration status means that they are liable to be detained. This was formerly known as 'temporary admission' and may apply, for example, to a person who is a visa overstayer or an appeal rights exhausted (ARE) asylum seeker.

What happens at a immigration bail hearing?

What is an immigration bail hearing? In short, this is a court hearing before a First-tier Tribunal judge (an immigration judge sitting in First-tier Tribunal), where the issue for the judge is whether or not the person asking for bail should be released from immigration detention, and if so on what conditions.

How long can immigration hold you in jail in UK?

There is no time-limit on long you can be detained (if you are an adult) in the UK \u2013 you can be detained indefinitely. The exception to this is pregnant women, who can only be detained for up to 72 hour, unless extended by ministerial approval.

Can you come back to UK after being deported?

When can I come back to the UK after a deportation? If you have been deported from the UK at any time, you must apply in writing for a revocation of the Deportation Order, and wait for the outcome of the revocation request before you can travel back to the UK, or before you can apply for an entry clearance application.

These Countries will DENY ENTRY at Immigration. Vacation Disasters

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Images: Ethan Wilkinson, Andrea Piacquadio, Andrea Piacquadio, Pixabay