Can I go to China after I overstayed in Hong Kong?

Can I go to China after I overstayed in Hong Kong? - Multi-colored Building

I'm a Philippine citizen. I overstayed in Hong Kong last year for 9 months. I just came back here. I am planning to go with my boyfriend to China for 10 days.

Can I apply for a tourist visa in China for 10 days only after overstaying in Hong Kong?

Best Answer

As someone who's lived 11 years and change in HK, and who's friends with a HK Police commander, I can tell you that you will face an uphill battle, for a few reasons.

  1. HK is very unforgiving about immigration issues. You have an immigration record in HK.
  2. HK's attitude towards South East Asian countries, including and maybe even especially the Philippines, a country with a very large community of transient workers in HK, isn't exactly generous.
  3. HK Immigration is fully computerized, and has been for a long time. It will know who you are. And so will Mainland China. Remember that HK is part of China, and the Chinese consulates overseas house the HK visa section too. Information is shared, one-way anyway.

Bottom-line, go ahead and apply. That's the safest way to know. But be prepared to lose the visa application fee.

Pictures about "Can I go to China after I overstayed in Hong Kong?"

Can I go to China after I overstayed in Hong Kong? - China Hk Hotel Signage
Can I go to China after I overstayed in Hong Kong? - Cars Beside Neon Signages
Can I go to China after I overstayed in Hong Kong? - High-rise Buildings At Daytime

What happens if you overstay in Hong Kong?

Any person who contravenes a condition of stay in force in respect of him shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of HK$50,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.

What is the penalty for overstaying a visa in China?

If the overstaying period is short (not exceeding a month) you will be given a warning, be required to pay a fine, and possibly given an exit visa. The penalty is set at 500 RMB per day with a ceiling of 10,000 RMB. The penalty is to be paid in cash or through a local Chinese bank card.

Can you travel if you overstay your visa?

If you overstay by 180 days or more (but less than one year), after you depart the U.S. you will be barred from reentering for three years. If you overstay by one year or more, after you depart the U.S., you will be barred from reentering the U.S. for ten years.

What can I do if I overstayed my visa?

What are the consequences of overstaying my visa? You can face removal proceedings (deportation), a 3-year bar, a 10-year bar, or a permanent bar depending on the amount of unlawful presence you have accrued and your conditions.

What Happens If You Overstay Your Hong Kong Visa?

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Aleksandar Pasaric, Aleksandar Pasaric, Aleksandar Pasaric, Andrea Piacquadio