Can I bring snake wine from Vietnam to Europe?

Can I bring snake wine from Vietnam to Europe? - Brown Reticulated Python

update I could smuggle two small bottles in my big suitcase.

The rice alcohol with a snake in it is being sold in most souvenir shops, I finally bought it today on my last day in Vietnam because it’s not expensive and a friend had told me it’s a local thing and it’d be cool if I brought some back with me. I read online that it is legal to import rice alcohol with a snake inside in small quantities especially since it’s just a rat snake that’s been flattened so that it looks like a cobra to the United States. I’m tempted to assume that the U.S. would have a more strict policy than Europe so I’m good, but still not sure. If anyone knows more about this please share. Thanks

here’s the “snake wine”

Best Answer

If there is any meat in a product you want to import into the EU, you need an import license (and adhere to a hell of regulations).

This doesn't even touch CITES. It's strictly import regulations on meat products. You cannot import them as a tourist or regular foreign sales outlet.

If you had a meat sandwich in your possessions during the customs check, they make you eat it right on the spot, or throw away. I guess you don't want to do that with the snake, neither the booze. Oh, and don't forget you had to declare it if it was more than one liter of spirits you are carrying.

Pictures about "Can I bring snake wine from Vietnam to Europe?"

Can I bring snake wine from Vietnam to Europe? - Group of People Making Toast
Can I bring snake wine from Vietnam to Europe? - Assorted Liquor Bottles
Can I bring snake wine from Vietnam to Europe? - Glasses of cocktails decorated with pear and blooming flowers

Can you bring back snake wine from Vietnam?

Bringing back items made of endangered species is illegal in the United States, as these species are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which applies to live and dead animals.

Can you import snake wine?

The snakes used (typically cobras) are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, so you cannot import genuine snake wine into the USA.

Is snake wine illegal?

In the USA, the wine isn't illegal in and of itself, but importing the snakes is. The cobras that typically end up in those bottles are considered endangered species by Uncle Sam, and as such, he won't allow most of them into the country.

Can you mail habu sake?

Can You Ship Sake From Japan? The shipping of alcohol between individuals, including Sake from Japan, is prohibited in most countries, but people still send Sake by courier as gifts from time to time. Insurance does not apply to Sake sent by courier or mail, so individuals are at their own risk when sending Sake.


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Images: Tomáš Malík, fauxels, Luciann Photography, Dziana Hasanbekava