Can I bring 10 Wrist watches in my carryon for a US domestic flight?

Can I bring 10 Wrist watches in my carryon for a US domestic flight? - Cute purebred dogs with accessories with American flag

I am traveling from Fort Myers Florida to Chicago Illinois. I have approximately 10 collector wrist watches in cases. Can they be put in my carry-on bag with me on the plane?

Best Answer

Not only you can, but you definitely should keep the watches in your carry-on so you can keep a close eye on them.

However, the cases may be an issue depending on their size, you need to make sure you don't exceed the carry-on allowances (number, size and/or weight) for your specific situation (depends on airline, class of service and possibly more parameters). If they do not fit, then you'll need to have those in your checked luggage, and use alternate means to protect the watches.

Be prepared for security to ask for inspection. If the watches are quite obviously valuable (e.g. yellow or rose gold, precious stones, or very recognisable brands) you can usually ask to move to a separate inspection area rather than opening it in front of everyone (though I can't quite remember if TSA in the US are agreeable to that — on the other hand I believe they are less prone to request visual inspection than in other places).

Pictures about "Can I bring 10 Wrist watches in my carryon for a US domestic flight?"

Can I bring 10 Wrist watches in my carryon for a US domestic flight? - Cute fluffy Yorkshire Terriers with bow ties colored in stripes and stars for USA Independence Day
Can I bring 10 Wrist watches in my carryon for a US domestic flight? - High angle of funny Yorkshire Terriers in bow ties representing concept of patriotism and Independence celebration
Can I bring 10 Wrist watches in my carryon for a US domestic flight? - Modern bathroom interior with toiletry products at home

How many watches you can carry-on a plane?

Up to 3 Watches if you want to declare. Upto 1000 if you dont want to. P.S. - I took 3 last time - 2 in bag and 1 on hand, and had no issues. What size of luggage can you carry on an airplane?

Can I take watches in my carry-on?

Most consumer personal electronic devices containing batteries are allowed in carry-on and checked baggage, including but not limited to cell phones, smart phones, data loggers, PDAs , electronic games, tablets, laptop computers, cameras, camcorders, watches, calculators, etc.

How do you travel with multiple watches?

If you're bringing multiple watches, put your watch roll in your carry-on bag. The reason is that airlines frequently misplace checked baggage. If you happen to get unlucky, you could lose every watch you packed for your trip.

Is carrying Jewellery allowed in domestic flight?

It depends on the airline company but as an average u can carry gold jewellery up to 50\u201360 grams (amount wise RS. 2 lakhs) in your baggages. There is no restriction on jewelleries if u are wearing them.

10 Things to NEVER Pack in a Checked Bag (checked baggage packing rules \u0026 tips 2022)

More answers regarding can I bring 10 Wrist watches in my carryon for a US domestic flight?

Answer 2

I'd be careful, especially if the watches are valuable.

The US has a nasty process called "civil forfeiture" which is a fancy word for "TSA and local law enforcement can legally steal your stuff" and in some airports it's big business. In essence the TSA can tip of local law enforcement that you are carrying valuables. Police then confiscates your assets or cash simply be claiming it may be related to an illegal activity. No proof, evidence, or specific cause required.

While this is more likely to happen with cash and international travel, domestic cases and non-cash seizures are not unheard of either. See

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Images: Sam Lion, Sam Lion, Sam Lion, Max Vakhtbovych