Does every airport have a luggage locker?

Does every airport have a luggage locker? - Woman Walking on Pathway While Strolling Luggage

It may sound like a silly question but does every airport have a luggage locker?

I want to travel to Alicante (Spain) and I am wondering if there is any luggage locker where my notebook can fit.

I never used locker before so do you have information about Alicante?

Best Answer

By and large, most US airports removed their luggage storage facilities after 9/11:

Only a few US airports offer storage options these days and many are limited to 24 or 48 hours. Whatever happened to storage lockers at airports? Terrorism. At many airports lockers were taken out after Sept. 11, 2001, and never replaced. Still, a few short-term storage options remain at some US airports.

The article lists a handful of major airports in the US that do still offer luggage storage services, and also suggests inquiring at the airport hotel.

Pictures about "Does every airport have a luggage locker?"

Does every airport have a luggage locker? - Man Wearing Gray Blazer
Does every airport have a luggage locker? - White Sitting Behind Counter Under Television
Does every airport have a luggage locker? - Woman In White Top And Denim Jeans Sitting  On Red Luggage Bag

Do airports have lockers to store luggage?

Some airports even have lockers where you can store your luggage at an affordable price. Regardless of the airport's situation, keep some of these tips in mind when you have time to spare during your layover, and always err on the side of caution when it is time to get your luggage again.

Where can I keep my luggage at the airport?

The most common place to store luggage is actually at the lost luggage counter. They have the facilities and infrastructure in place and for a daily fee will usually keep an eye on your bags for a few days, weeks or in some cases months. Many airports also maintain coin operated luggage lockers.

Where to Store Luggage When Traveling in Europe

More answers regarding does every airport have a luggage locker?

Answer 2

every airport has luggage locker?

No, e.g. some tiny airports don't have it. Search to confirm if an airport has a luggage locker, e.g. yes for Alicante:

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi, Andrea Piacquadio, PhotoMIX Company, Daria Shevtsova