Who do I complain to if my data privacy has been violated in India?

Who do I complain to if my data privacy has been violated in India? - Two Gray Bullet Security Cameras

I recently filled out the mandatory Air Suvidha form before flying to India. A pdf of the form was then emailed out to me, but it didn't have the auto-generated registration number on it.

Shortly after submitting the form, I received emails from four other random people saying they had received my form instead of theirs. The form contains my date of birth, phone number, home address, passport number etc.

A few hours later I submitted the form again, and this time it seemed to work as intended and I got my own form with a registration number.

I have already complained to the grievance officer as per the New Delhi Airport privacy policy. I haven't had a response from them yet, but it's only been a day.

Is there anything else I can do in the meantime? Am I likely to get any compensation? Or, is this kind of stuff just common in India and accepted as normal?

If I were in the UK, I'd reach out to Citizen's advice. But, not sure what to do in India.

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How do I complain about data protection breaches in India?

\u201cOur rule states that before you complain to the Data Protection Authority (DPA), complain first with the Data Protection Officer (DPO), complain first with the company. If you cannot resolve it that way, then is the time to elevate it to your DPA.

How do I complain about data privacy?

\xd7 The NPC uses a third-party service to analyze non-identifiable web traffic data for us....Filing formal complaints
  • in person.
  • send via courier service, or.
  • scan and email it to complaints@privacy.gov.ph.

  • Where can I complain about a data breach?

    If you believe that protected personal data has been misused by an organisation, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC). The PDPC will usually open an investigation and contact the organisation to find out more.

    Who is responsible for data privacy in India?

    At present, there is no dedicated authority responsible for data protection in India. Even otherwise, no specific guidance has been issued by the Indian Government following the decision of the Court of Justice of the EU in Schrems II (Case C-311/18).

    Do we have a Right to Privacy in India? | Indian Constitution Important Cases | Fundamental Right

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Scott Webb, Pixabay, Kevin Paster, Jess Bailey Designs