Where to park a car in Luxembourg (city)?

Where to park a car in Luxembourg (city)? - White Vehicle Parked on Road Between Trees

I'm going to Luxembourg by car and I'm looking for a place where I can park for free. It should be also close to the city center - a maximum of 20 minutes walking distance from the old town.

Pictures about "Where to park a car in Luxembourg (city)?"

Where to park a car in Luxembourg (city)? - Photography of City during Nighttime
Where to park a car in Luxembourg (city)? - Brown White and Gray Building
Where to park a car in Luxembourg (city)? - Man Taking Picture

Where do you park when visiting Luxembourg City?

Car parks. You have the choice between open-air parkings, underground parkings as well as P&R-areas located in the outskirts of the city. Most of these P&R-parkings are free of charge. A parking guidance system informs you about available parking spaces throughout the city (source: Ville de Luxembourg).

Where can I park my car in Luxembourg?

Car parks. Luxembourg City has several car parks, the biggest of these being Hamilius (400 public spaces), Stade de Lux (600 spaces), Gare (603 spaces), Fort Neipperg (515 spaces), Place de l'Europe (444 spaces) and Glacis (1000 spaces).

Can you park on the street in Luxembourg?

Parking Zones in LuxembourgWhite: Parking is allowed for 30 minutes. Orange: Parking is allowed for a maximum of 2 hours. Yellow: Parking is allowed for 3-5 hours on the road and 5-10 hours in a car park. Green: Parking is allowed for a maximum of 5 hours.

How much is parking in Luxembourg?

PricingZoneMaximum durationHourly feeWhiteVery short-term: 30 min.free of chargeOrangeShort-term: 2 hours\u20ac2.00YellowMedium-term: 3 to 5 hours for roadside parking, and 5 to 10 hours in car parks\u20ac1.00*GreenMedium-term: 5 hours\u20ac2.00 for the first 3 hours, then \u20ac1.50 after the third hour*1 more row

Parking your car in Luxembourg

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Vincent Gerbouin, Aleksejs Bergmanis, Onur Kurtic, Min An