What to consider for a last-minute impromptu trip to northern Sweden?

What to consider for a last-minute impromptu trip to northern Sweden? - Port city surrounded by sea and mountains

I have spent the weekend considering flying to northern Sweden tomorrow to see the aurora borealis. I live in the US. I have never to Europe or anywhere else outside of mainland North America.

The things I've thought of to take into account:

  • a lot of very warm clothing given the climate I would be heading for.
  • I'll have to exchange my money somehow, somewhere.
  • Not sure if my US Visa debit card works in Sweden, but by all accounts it should. I plan on checking with my bank in the morning.
  • My Verizon phone won't work. I'll need to get a disposable phone there.
  • Need to find hostels or couch surf.

This is everything that's come to mind so far. I'm wondering what other things I might need to know or keep in mind when attempting a visit to a foreign country with no planning like this. If anyone has any Sweden-specific advice, that would be nice, too.

Note: I know it's always better to plan way ahead, but that's exactly the point of this question....under current circumstances it's not possible and if I don't go now I won't be able to again for quite some time. I'm asking precisely for advice about an unplanned trip.

Best Answer

Adding options about how to travel in Sweden. (I guess you already went....) To see the aurora Abisko is probably the best place to be.There are two main ways of getting up there.

  • You can go there by night train from Stockholm (which will likely be your entry point when flying from the US). The train passes Arlanda (the main airport) on its way north so no need to get into Stockholm. According to the current timetable it leaves at 18:22 from Arlanda and arrives 12:32 the next day in Abisko. This is the slow and (nice?) option.

enter image description herePhoto by flickr user beefortytwo.

  • The fastest is (of course) flying to Kiruna with SAS. It is a ~90 minute flight and then you will need to endure another 90 minutes on a bus to get to Abisko. Or just stay in Kiruna. Aurora should be possible to see there also.

A good site for planning your domestic travels in Sweden is resrobot.

More detailed information also available in this question about travelling from Berlin to Abisko.

Pictures about "What to consider for a last-minute impromptu trip to northern Sweden?"

What to consider for a last-minute impromptu trip to northern Sweden? - Northern lights over mountain and city
What to consider for a last-minute impromptu trip to northern Sweden? - Man in Black Jacket and Brown Pants Sitting on Gray Metal Ladder
What to consider for a last-minute impromptu trip to northern Sweden? - Woman in Orange Life Vest Standing on Boat

Swedish Lapland Vlog Part 1 [Northern Lights, Ice Hotel, Icebreaker Ship, Dogsled, Tree Hotel]

More answers regarding what to consider for a last-minute impromptu trip to northern Sweden?

Answer 2

Regarding ATM cards, you should have one with chip, since most ATMs here only accepts those cards.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Erik Mclean, ArtHouse Studio, cottonbro, cottonbro