What is this arch-and-tower near a road?

What is this arch-and-tower near a road? - White Delivery Van Parked Near Green Tree

my father took many pictures of this building when I was a child but he is not longer with us so I can’t ask him. enter image description here

Best Answer

It's the Azadi Tower in Tehran, Iran.

You can easily use the Google image search (just drag & drop the file into the browser window when you have it open), which will show many results for such a clear picture.

Pictures about "What is this arch-and-tower near a road?"

What is this arch-and-tower near a road? - City Buildings Near Body of Water
What is this arch-and-tower near a road? - A Time Lapse Photography of City Lights at Night
What is this arch-and-tower near a road? - Body of Water Near City Buildings

Off Tracks: Tower Arch, Arches National Park

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Ekaterina Belinskaya, Oyu ja, Majid Masajedi, Chris Schippers