What can I do to lift a 10 year ban for making a mistake in my UK visa application?

What can I do to lift a 10 year ban for making a mistake in my UK visa application? - White Paper With Red Text

I am a Nigerian citizen. In 2007 I was twice denied a visa to the UK. Recently I was filling out an application for another UK visitor visa and by mistake I answered no to the question whether I had ever been denied a UK visa, instead of yes.

When reviewing my application, the visa officer found out about the previous visa rejections and as a result I got a 10 year ban on travel to the UK.

What can I do to lift my 10 year ban?

Will this ban affect my chances of obtaining a visitor visa to the USA?

Best Answer

Hold on. There's more to this than you gave us in your question...

Answering 'no' to the question about previous refusals can be easily forgiven by an ECO if you had completed the other parts of the form accurately. Let's look at the form...

enter image description here

There's the section about Date, Country, Reason, and Reference Number wherein previous refusals are itemized. Had you filled this out they could assume that your 'No' check box was an innocuous clerical error. Somehow your question failed to mention the whole section must have been blank.

Answering 'No' and leaving the subsequent section blank cannot be reasonably attributed to a clerical error. Moreover, as an applicant with two prior applications you are in a position to be aware that you have had previous refusals. It's full on deception case closed.

Having said all of that, let's look at your question...

Firstly, what can I do to lift my 10 year ban?

Bans where Article 8 is not engaged get lifted through the process of Judicial Review. You need to instruct a solicitor from the UK Law Society to find and instruct a Barrister who is qualified to undertake advocacy work in the high court, and they will lodge a judicial review. In your case you will have an enormous amount of difficulty getting a solicitor to take your case. They need to show that they are not exploiting migrants by giving them false hopes, or they will attract an adverse comment from the Solicitors Regulatory Agency (SRA) which will be reckoned against their practicing competence. If somebody took you under client care, it's a retainer fee of about GBP 10k and about another GBP 25k in fees to prepare the case and represent it (that's a guess).

There are some landmark cases out there where bans were overturned by the high court, but their topologies and semantics are a lot different than yours. But with luck and some ponderous financial reserves and most of all persistence in finding a solicitor, maybe you can succeed.

Secondly, if I apply for a visitor visa to the USA, will the 10 years ban affect my chances of getting it?

Yes. The USA is a signatory to the Five Eyes Treaty in addition to a unique treaty with the UK. We have some stuff here in the archives about that already,

Note: if you lose in a judicial review case, the Home Office can ask the court for an order to recover their side of the costs. The risk of such an award to the respondent means you need to be really, really, REALLY sure you are going to win.

Note: see also Standard Visitor visa refusal (Deception, V3.6(b)) and procedure for reapplying

Note: further questions about judicial review should be taken to Legal. We have only limited scope for questions about it.

Note: in another answer user40416 (to whom thanks for a great answer) pointed out that Nigerian nationals have an unwieldy history of fraudulent visa applications. You would be in a position to be aware of this also and hence use extreme diligence in completing your visa application.

Note: for a general discussion about the UK Visa Sections posted to Nigeria, read this article in the TSE archives.

Pictures about "What can I do to lift a 10 year ban for making a mistake in my UK visa application?"

What can I do to lift a 10 year ban for making a mistake in my UK visa application? - Boy in Blue T-shirt Holding Black Bottle
What can I do to lift a 10 year ban for making a mistake in my UK visa application? - Crop unrecognizable person showing colorful can of refreshing drink during New Year holiday
What can I do to lift a 10 year ban for making a mistake in my UK visa application? - Shiny can of soft drink on Christmas tree branch

Can I enter UK after 10 years ban?

Deportation means an individual has been mandated to leave the country. This leads to any existing leave to enter or remain in the UK becoming invalid automatically and a re-entry ban ranging from 1 year to 10 years.

What happens if you make a mistake on your visa application?

Mistakes on application form can be disastrous. If the mistake is interpreted by officials as an attempt to mislead or deceive, the application must be refused. If the application is for an entry clearance, it will also lead to a 10 year ban on re-entry.

Can I appeal a UK visa ban?

You have 28 days to appeal after you get your decision. If you have to leave the country before you're allowed to appeal, you have 28 days to appeal once you've left the country. If you apply after the deadline, you must explain why - the tribunal will decide if it can still hear your appeal.

What if I make a mistake on my UK student visa application?

If your UK visa application is rejected By submitting an administrative review outlining why a mistake was made and providing the correct information and evidence, it may be possible to have the decision overturned. An immigration solicitor can handle your UK visa rejection on your behalf.


More answers regarding what can I do to lift a 10 year ban for making a mistake in my UK visa application?

Answer 2

Lifting your 10-year ban is very easy - wait 10 years.

You have been denied twice before, and you made a mistake / made a false statement / lied on the new application.

Unfortunately for you, Nigeria is top of the list where visa fraud and false documents are concerned - the examiners aren't interested in your explanation as they've heard it plenty of times before.

Rather unlikely a lawyer is worth the money - 2 denials plus this incident is rather hard to recover from. When you fill out the forms in 2026 pay close attention to the details.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Castorly Stock, Lespa số 1 về điều trị mụn, nám, sẹo rỗ, Erik Mclean, Erik Mclean