What are the wild camping regulations in Iceland?

What are the wild camping regulations in Iceland? - Hiker resting near fire and tent during travelling

I've read here that "in Iceland you are allowed to do this by law as long as you stay away from houses and use common sense like you say". Wild camping in Iceland is one of my ideas for the next summer. The question is what does it means "stay away from houses"? And what should be understand as "common sense"? For instance, if I rent a car to move along the island, may I stop at the side of the route with the car and camp? Of course, I'm not talking about the Ring Road. I'm thinking in secondary trails.

Best Answer

The "Visit Iceland" website has a page about your rights to camp in Iceland.

Camping with no more than three tents is allowed on uncultivated ground for a single night, unless the landowner has posted a notice to the contrary. However, campers should always use designated campsites where they do exist. Do not camp close to farms without permission. If a group of more than three tents is involved, these campers must seek permission from the landowner before setting up camp outside marked campsite areas.

So, if there is no sign, and the land isn't being used to grow things, you have the right to camp there for one night. That is pretty much all the law says.

So, yes you can camp at the side of the road, IF there is a place to park your car. You should not park your car on the land.

Do not drive off the road or track. Motor vehicles can leave marks that last for generations. Driving off roads or tracks is against the law except when the ground is frozen and covered in snow. See further information under “Practical Information/Driving in Iceland”.

Staying away from houses is just a basic courtesy. The best rule of thumb to follow in my experience is to never be close enough that you can see anything in the windows, and definitely stay away from gardens and obviously enclosed personal space. 300 meters at the minimum.


Pictures about "What are the wild camping regulations in Iceland?"

What are the wild camping regulations in Iceland? - Scenic View Of The Mountains With Green Pine Trees Beside Calm Body of Water
What are the wild camping regulations in Iceland? - Side view of bearded male traveler sitting in tent with opened door and reading book in nature with parked cars in distance
What are the wild camping regulations in Iceland? - Back view of crop anonymous male traveler watching sunset during camping in mountains and climbing upstairs to tent located on roof of contemporary offroader

Is wild camping legal in Iceland?

So many people choose to look for a cheaper option and value traveling by camper or sleeping in campsites. However, as much as Iceland is a Nordic country, wild camping is not allowed. Icelandic nature preservation law dictates where the traveler is allowed to camp in Iceland if they are away from registered campsites.

Can you camp anywhere in Iceland?

The short answer is, no, you cannot set up camp anywhere you want. With the growth of tourism, wild camping has become a problem on this small Arctic island. As most of the land in Iceland is privately owned, farmers have been bothered by people setting up camp on their land without permission.

What are the camping rules in Iceland?

In 2015, Iceland passed a new law to regulate camping. The law states that if you are traveling in a camper van or a car with a rooftop tent, you MUST camp at an established campsite OR get the landowner's written permission to camp on their property (including farmland).

Can you wild camp in a campervan in Iceland?

Wild camping in Iceland is more an exception than a rule. For example, it is now illegal to spend the night in tent trailers, tent campers, caravans, camper vans, and also cars and similar, outside organized campsites or urban areas without permission from the land owner.

Expert Tips for Camping In Iceland - a spectacular place to experience the beauty of nature.

More answers regarding what are the wild camping regulations in Iceland?

Answer 2

I was in Iceland 3 weeks ago, July 2017. Wild camping was a priority for me and my two sons. It's essentially impossible to wild camp. Reasons:

It is aggressively discouraged by icelanders, understandably because of the large number of potential morons mucking up the country side. If the clientele were typical outdoorsmen it might be different.

There are no trees or cover on 90% of the island.

The areas amenable to tent camping with a reasonably soft surface (not lava) are all near the coast which is occupied by farmers pretty much exclusively. There is no land unoccupied by farmers along the ring road. Trying to find farmland to pitch a tent with permission, though it might be legal is just plain rude and idiotic.

To get remote, one must go into the highlands. The highlands also have no trees or geography to break the wind or offer cover. It is, therefore, impractical and somewhat risky to pitch a tent and sleep. People do it, but very dicey.

Unlike the US, there are no back country trails/passes to help backpackers find remote sites to camp. Camping anywhere other than designated campsites is highly discouraged.

As "wild" as Iceland truly is, wild camping is not much of an option. Having said that, we did manage to find a farm road that led us toward a hike that landed us at the base of a waterfall and a soft spot to lay down two tents and spend the night in one of the most amazing scenes ever. Our tents pressed down some grass, and we left some human foot prints along the way. I would wager the sheep left more of a footprint and within days our presence vanished.

Bottom line: if you want remote backpacking and wild camping do not go to Iceland. I repeat, don't go to Iceland.

If you want to see one of the worlds last remote wonders and astonishing natural scenes go to Iceland. The entire island would be a national park in the US. The beauty is not capably captured by words or even photos. Go there as a guest, enjoy the kindness of the natives, and marvel at the raw beauty of the never ending landscape. It is truly a phenom of nature. But plan on sleeping in a campground or other accommodations. Hope this helps people like me who are used to walking into the woods for a few days with no second thoughts.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Baihaki Hine, Joshua Woroniecki, Dziana Hasanbekava, Hamid Tajik