Visa Refusal, Planning on trying again [closed]

Visa Refusal, Planning on trying again [closed] - Passport on Top of a Planner

I have been refused visas for the US B1/B2 once. Now i want to try again.

  • I am not married but i am in Civil Union for 2 years
  • I have 2 jobs (One Remote for the US and one Onsite where I work for a Bank as a software Developer)
  • My take home Monthly for the 2 jobs summounts to 870,000 Naira / month and 10,440,000 Annually
  • But i do not have a travel history?

Do you think I stand a good chance for a US B1/B2 Visa at this point? I am from Nigeria

Best Answer

I agree with @Arthur's Pass' comment above. Because we don't see the prior refusals, and you've not provided much information in your question, we're just guessing. You could help us by posting a scan of your refusal letter, with personal identification data obscured. Still, I'll add a few observations.

The evaluator is looking for ties to your home country, that is, reasons that tend to show you'll leave when supposed to, and not stay on in the US to work and live undocumented. Under US law, the evaluator must presume that your real intent is to immigrate to the United States, and it is your burden to convince the evaluator that you do not wish to immigrate and will leave the US when you should.

Your ties to your home country are weak. You have no travel history to demonstrate your trustworthiness. While you're in a Civil Union, it's possible or likely that the evaluator will see a civil union as a weaker connection than a marriage. You don't apparently own real property in your home country, or have children there. While you have a job, you don't disclose if you've had the local job long enough that it might be considered "permanent," nor what proportion of your income comes from the local job. Your remote job is not a "tie" to your home country, as remote work can be done anywhere. Finally, we have no idea whether your bank statements support the income you declare, or disclose other financial actions (such as unexplained transactions, either repeated or of significant amount) which suggest that you and your circumstances are not exactly as you represent.

You haven't disclosed how long you intend to stay in the US, and how much you expect to spend. Applicants who plan to spend either too little to support the trip (food and lodging in the US can be extremely expensive), or say they'll spend on a single trip some significant proportion of their earnings or savings, are both disfavored.

I believe you are a poor candidate for a US visa. Because serial refusals (especially short-term serial refusals) increase the liklihood of future refusals, you should not apply again until all of the issues with any prior visa application or applications have been addressed and corrected.

To learn more about the issues mentioned in this answer, use the "Search on Travel" box at the top of the page and search for "US visa refusal" and "ties to home country."

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Can I reapply if my visa is refused?

Yes, you can apply if you have detected a mistake in your visa application. However, a country's immigration department may ask you for the copy of your refusal to enter the country before giving you the permission to reapply. If the reasons for the visa refusal are satisfactory, you will be allowed to reapply.

What will you do if your visa will be rejected?

Re-apply in the same country If you had a visa interview, you can ask the visa officer the reason for rejection. In case you weren't required to appear for an interview then you will receive a document stating the reason for rejection. Next, try to eradicate the reason and apply for your Student Visa again.

Can I reapply for UK visa after refusal?

You can make a fresh application addressing the grounds of refusal with the submission of new evidence and fee. There is no time limit for making a fresh application. So, you can reapply any time after your UK visa refusal.

What does it mean when visa status says refused?

This \u201crefused\u201d status may change if: The applicant can demonstrate to a consular of\ufb01cer he or she is eligible for a visa; or. Information comes to the attention of the consular of\ufb01cer from other sources that resolve any outstanding issues relating to the applicant's eligibility for the visa.

What To Do If Your Visa Application Is Denied

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Nataliya Vaitkevich, Yan Krukov, Ann H, Jess Bailey Designs