Tourist visa Canada without invitation letter?

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I would like to know if there is a possibility for me to get a tourist visa for Canada.

I have no invitation letter from anyone from Canada. I have travelled to the UK last year (July 2018) and I also visited Europe (Nov 2017). Should I apply without having an invitation letter, or do I have to wait until I arrange invitation letter somehow? If I should apply without having invitation letter then how much funds should I keep on my personal and current account? I have an IT company here in India.

Best Answer

You do not need an invitation letter to visit Canada. Millions of people visit Canada without one. If someone has actually invited You to Canada they should send a letter, but if nobody has it does not matter.

There is no set amount of money you need in your accounts. They want to see that you have the money to pay for your visit of course. But they also want to see that your long term finances are such that spending money on the trip makes financial sense for you - for example that it is not an excessive amount relative to your income and expenditure. They also want to see no unexpected undocumented large transfers.

Pictures about "Tourist visa Canada without invitation letter?"

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Can I apply for Canada visitor visa without invitation letter?

An Invitation Letter is not mandatory when applying for a visitor's visa. In some cases, however, the government of Canada will request that you provide them with an Invitation Letter when you submit your application. If not asked by the government, you will not need an invitation letter.

Can I get Canada tourist visa without sponsorship?

If they need a visitor visa, you may provide your family member or friend with a letter of invitation in support of their visa application. A letter of invitation can help, but it does not guarantee the person will get a visa.

Can I get a visa without an invitation letter?

An invitation is not required and cannot guarantee visa issuance. In fact, there are no required documents for tourist/business visa applications. Visa applicants must qualify for the visa according to their own circumstances, not on the basis of a sponsor's assurance.

Can a friend invite me to Canada?

While Canada doesn't have an invitation visa, you can invite a friend or your family member to come and visit you in Canada. Your friend or your family member will be applying for a regular tourist visa, but you will be providing an invitation letter in support of that visa application.

Canada Tourist Visa without Invitation Letter | How to get Canada Tourist Visa without Sponsorship?

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Images: Pixabay, Vincent Albos, Erik Mclean, Erik Mclean