Solo-Driving from Florida to New York During the Winter

Solo-Driving from Florida to New York During the Winter - Woods Covered With Snow

In the past, I have asked a question on this exchange regarding driving a well-maintained car across the East Coast of the U.S. In that particular question, I wanted to know if it were safe for a car to drive those distances in such a short period (turns out it is actually optimal).

Now, I wonder whether or not it will be safe for me, not only my vehicle.

I have virtually no experience driving in wintry conditions. I've lived in snow when I was younger. I know how to prepare myself for it, but I do not know how to prepare or maintain a car in it, nor how to travel potentially long distances through it. The trip from FL to NY (Buffalo) is about ~1.3k miles (~2k km), where, by mid-December, I think it would be reasonable to expect icy conditions on more or less half the length of the route.

I have twice the experience driving the distance, not any for the conditions. As a virgin to driving long distances in such conditions, as a vehicle owner and operator, what are the more important notes one should regard when doing this thing?

There are potentially endless notes one could make on such a topic, so for "more important," I mean things which most who have experience with these matters would agree upon, things of common knowledge/conventional wisdom/norms.

For an answer:

  • perhaps some qualities of the conditions not inherently obvious to a newbie;
  • perhaps some of the potential actions of other drivers on the road which may not inherently make sense to a newbie;
  • perhaps some recount of a quote or of personal experience driving through such conditions;
  • and/or perhaps a list of items which may be desirable to have or prepare to have for the trip,

would be sufficient.

Best Answer

The routes you mention are major freeways, and they will be plowed and salted if need be for snow. Snow is not a common occurrence on most of your intended route, and ice will be an issue only if you are quite unlucky and travel during a storm or shortly after. A few days every year, and sometimes zero. I have been on the New Jersey Turnpike during moderate snowfall. Traffic was still moving at 30 mph. You might have an issue on city streets as you approach your destination.

Having said that, at the time of this writing, the drive you intend is impossible today because of flooding.

Pictures about "Solo-Driving from Florida to New York During the Winter"

Solo-Driving from Florida to New York During the Winter - Low angle red signboard with Christmas In New York inscription hanging on glass showcase of shop on city street
Solo-Driving from Florida to New York During the Winter - Modern villa with spacious yard in winter
Solo-Driving from Florida to New York During the Winter - Exterior view of luxurious residential house with roofed parking and spacious backyard in snowy winter countryside

What is the best day to drive from Florida to New York?

If you decide to do this road trip, I highly recommend traveling on a Saturday or Sunday, when you won't run into normal rush hour traffic. The other recommendation I have is to leave super early in the morning. For both drives, we were on the road by 4:45 am.

Can you drive across the US in winter?

Icy and snowy roads will limit your mobility and make traveling more dangerous, while fewer daylight hours will restrict how much you can see in one day. Fortunately, a large portion of the southern U.S. is perfectly safe for driving during winter.

Is it safe to road trip in the winter?

For anyone experiencing wanderlust after being cooped up over the holidays, a winter road trip can be a safe way to scratch that travel itch, even during the pandemic. Before you head out, though, check the COVID-19 risk level along your route and review the AAA COVID-19 travel restrictions map.

How many days does it take to drive from Florida to New York?

Answer provided by It will take 14 hours to drive from New York to Florida if you leave from New York City and head to Key West. You'll cover 1,200 miles. Because the trip is long, you could divide it into several days.

21 Hour Solo Road Trip | New York to Florida *rushing back home*

More answers regarding solo-Driving from Florida to New York During the Winter

Answer 2

Winter travel is much less predictable. It's not possible to give a blanket statement.

In general, travel on an interstate highway is just as easy in the winter as at other times, except that severe weather may be a bit more common, and the effects may last a bit longer. Icy driving is possible, but not to be expected even in winter. Icy conditions are very uncommon on the southern part of your route, even in the middle of winter.

I would want to have an idea ahead of time of what to do in case of severe winter weather. Say that you find just before you begin that New York is forecast to have a severe blizzard prior about the time of your planned arrival. Would you be able to stay in Florida a few extra days and arrive later after it clears? Would you be able to drive part way and stay in a hotel for a few days until the weather clears? Could you leave early if it would mean arriving ahead of the weather?

  • Know how to check road conditions. Most (all?) states have a web site with a transportation department that lists travel advisories and road closures.
  • Have an idea ahead of time of what you'll do if weather makes your original timeline difficult.

Answer 3

You almost-certainly will not see ice or snow on this route until past New York City unless you literally drive during a snow storm, which would be rare for that time of year, or if you drive immediately after a large snow storm, which would be rarer still. Those are low-lying coastal areas that don’t experience a lot of ice and snow in general, your time of year is too early for it anyway, and your route is large, major, heavily-traveled interstates that will be taken care of as soon as conditions permit. And heavy use itself can keep roads warmer than the surroundings, preventing much in the way of accumulation.

Once past New York City, at some point you have to head into the Catskills and Adirondacks. You’re talking about higher elevations and somewhat less-used roads. The odds are higher there—though still not very high at that time of year. And as you get farther west—towards the Great Lakes—annual snowfall can get quite extreme due to the lake effect, though Buffalo doesn’t get the worst of that. But again, mid-December is not the height of winter, and snowfall at that stage is unlikely to be too significant.

Anyway, the best advice I have for driving in snow is to only do one thing at a time: if you are braking, you are not turning, and if you are turning, you are not braking (you may in fact need to lightly accelerate to get proper traction). That does a lot to maintain control, and that mindset helps a great deal, because when coming up on a turn, you know you have to start slowing down well ahead of the turn because you want to be at the appropriate speed when you start turning, which is good practice. If you do spin out, you need to turn into the spin, which is counter-intuitive so spend some time thinking about what that means, how you do it, and why it works—I’m sure there are YouTube videos demonstrating it and explaining it. Understanding it can make you more likely to actually believe it and do it in a stressful situation.

Answer 4

The chances for wintry conditions have already been discussed.

If you are not used to drive longer distances, simply plan for more time, and break up your trip into three or four sections. If you do not have that time, consider Amtrak's Autotrain from Sanford FL to Lorton VA. That may be the most cultivated way to travel between Florida and the Northeast…

Now, for driving in cold and/or snowy conditions… Make sure that you have winter tyres, or at least new all-weather tyres. They say that winter tyres have better traction than summer tyres at temperatures below about 7°C.

It is possible that your car has traction control which reduces the acceleration; it most likely has an anti-skid system anyway. Otherwise, you'd have to drive more carfully, considering that your braking distance would be way higher. Carefully brake and accelerate, just to avoid slipping. Also do not make abrupt turns.

With that, you should be pretty safe.

Answer 5

Schedule your timing so that you're not going over the mountains (tennesee, kentucky) at night. Big rigs know the roads, and you don't!

Answer 6

For several years I used to drive from Ottawa to New York city, in time for New Year's Eve. The American border seemed to me approximately where the permanent snow-cover ended (i.e. there is snow on the ground sometimes, but only after a storm). I agree with the comments though, about Buffalo: driving to Pennsylvania I got the impression that Buffalo is (like the Golden Horseshoe) still more-or-less within the snow-line, i.e. likely to feel (and look) like winter driving -- snow-banks visible by the side of the road, and the road surface visible because (or if) it has been ploughed and salted.

To prepare the car you might want winter tyres. I think you won't want chains (I've never used them myself) except on unploughed private roads (and, maybe, mountain passes). You may want winterized liquids: antifreeze in the windshield-washer for sure. I think the manufacturers blend different kinds of gas (fuel) for different countries/climates, but maybe that's not an issue unless the temperatures are really low (a long way below freezing). I don't know about other fluids (oil and coolant) -- I guess a mechanic would know.

For driving, take it easy: accelerate gently and brake gently. Use engine braking (if you have manual transmission) to avoid a skid, and/or modern ABS (anti-lock brake systems) might help. Also wear your seat belt of course, and allow for longer stopping distance, i.e. more room between you and the car in front.

If the surface is snowy or icy then prepare to be surprised. The local city news always has stories of "fender-benders" when it snows -- if conditions are so bad that you might lose control, at least drive slowly. The most dangerous form of ice is invisible -- transparent, or under a layer of snow.

When I was learning to drive, taking driving lessons in Ottawa, the instructor told me (I don't even know if they were joking) that I ought to hope there was a blizzard on the day of my driving test. They said that, if there was a blizzard, the test would consist of their asking me to drive once around the block, and that I'd pass the test as long as I didn't move out of second gear doing that.

We're advised to carry (in the car) cold weather gear. Imagine, if you will, that you're stuck in your car for 24 hours with the engine off, waiting for rescue. So, real winter clothing (gloves, coat, hat, long underwear) and/or a sleeping bag.

Also (to fully-equip the car) get an ice-scraper. That's like a small hand-spade or trowel with a stiff plastic blade about four inches square. You use it to scrape frost off the windshield (and off all other windows) before you start. You may also want a snow-brush (if it snows when you're parked), that's a brush about 3 feet long -- use it to brush snow off the front hood (so it doesn't fly up into the windscreen when you drive), and off the roof (so it doesn't fly off into the windscreen of the car behind you), and off your outside mirrors. You might also want a real snow shovel (if a wheel gets stuck in a bank of snow, shovel the snow out from the around the wheels). To fully de-ice the windshield you may need to let the engine warm for a few minutes before you drive off, with the hot air (de-icer) set to blow upwards onto the inside of the windshield.

Answer 7

The further north you go, the more likely there will be winter conditions. This means that the further north you go, the more prepared for them that these areas are.

An inch of snow on a New York highway is nothing, but an inch of snow on a North Carolina highway might have it be shut down. Not only is this because the states differ in readiness, but also because the drivers differ in experience.

(Twelve inches of snow would be dealt with quickly in New York. In that case, find a motel for the night)

Watch the weather, taking note if there is a surprise storm. This would be an indication to not drive that day.

As far as conditions in December, I'd be surprised if you saw snow south of New York.

Accidents do happen. We, in the Boston area, add blankets to our driving emergency kits.

As a side, and if you're super worried, get an ice-scraper at a gas station. In the case that it snows overnight, this tool will help you scrape it off your car.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Mikhail Nilov, Uriel Mont, Max Vakhtbovych, Max Vakhtbovych