Risk of visa refusal?

Risk of visa refusal? - Unrecognizable young woman demonstrating prohibition sign showing gesture of refuse using hand and note with sign stop

My question is special, I hope from the bottom of my heart to get answers.

I lived 6 years in France on a regular basis, and after several problems I found myself in an irregular situation for a year and a half. I beg you not to judge me, the pain is still present. I ended up leaving the country voluntarily and I returned to my country of origin. I was never arrested or deported, I left the country voluntarily. I suppose that during the border police at the airport the policeman probably put me on their database.

I would therefore like to know if the immigration officers of the embassies of all countries could know this kind of information. Can they know that I have been in an irregular situation in France? Can they deny me a visa to Canada (or other) because of this? Am I internationally registered? If so, am I stuck for life? How can this information be "deleted" from their database? How do I get a visa again?

I have no intention of making the same mistake again. I would simply like to live legally somewhere and respect the visa deadlines.

Thank you so much!

Pictures about "Risk of visa refusal?"

Risk of visa refusal? - Man riding surfboard in wavy ocean
Risk of visa refusal? - Three White-and-black Scrabble Tiles on Brown Wooden Surface
Risk of visa refusal? - King Chess Piece

What happens if visa is rejected?

As per some immigrant department of certain countries, you cannot reapply immediately after your visa application was rejected was because the conditions due to which it was refused will not change overnight. Hence, you can only reapply in most cases six months after the refusal of your visa application.

In what cases visa will get refusal?

An applicant's current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa. If denied a visa, in most cases the applicant is notified of the section of law which applies.

Why would someone be refused a visa?

Questionable financial records, a sure route to get a visa rejected. Another reason why your visa is most likely to get disapproved is because of questionable financial records. As an applicant, you need to prove that you have the financial wherewithal to support your trip.

Which country rejects most visa?

African Countries Mark Highest Visa Rejection Rates Even in 2020
  • Burundi \u2013 45.3 per cent.
  • Eritrea \u2013 44.8 per cent.
  • Bangladesh \u2013 44.6 per cent.
  • Pakistan \u2013 43.5 per cent.
  • Haiti \u2013 44.1 per cent.
  • Angola \u2013 39.8 per cent.
  • Ivory Coast \u2013 38.4 per cent.
  • Algeria \u2013 38 per cent.

What to do if your US visa gets rejected?

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Anete Lusina, Kammeran Gonzalez-Keola, Pixabay, Gladson Xavier