Red Light Ticket in Australia sent to my UK address

Red Light Ticket in Australia sent to my UK address - Macro flower of exotic banksia plant

I was driving my boyfriends car at the time.. didn't even realise I'd gone through a red light until later on, when a few months had passed and I'd gone back to the UK, my boyfriend gets a letter through the post saying his car was caught going through a red light. He knew it was me and said to them it was me (he told me there was nothing they can do as I'm in another country).. didn't think too much of it, but I've just got the letter through.. $446 dollars! Oh my goodness.. I genuinely don't have that sort of money. I've never got a ticket for anything, I'm a very safe driver, never speed etc, it was a genuine accident, always take caution (this is for those really unhelpful people who like to say 'you did it, so pay it blah blah')

So I was just wondering where I stand.. my first question is if I do end up paying, will I get the points on my licence? NOT IDEAL if that's the case. And my second question is if I just ignore it can they track it back to me any further...what they can do seeing as I'm in a different country. They can't actually prove it was me in the car, I could say my boyfriend is lying? (I'm not gonna but just saying do they have a leg to stand on)

It wasn't a rental car, so I didn't give any details like bank card, passport etc. So unless they can link my information back to my passport.. I'm not sure.

My worry is if I go back to Aus one day, is it gonna get flagged up? Don't want to go to jail lol!

Really appreciate any advice or help, thank you!


Best Answer


If in victoria at the time of the driving offence, check with the authorities at:

Note that all official Australian government websites end in

Check quickly, the consequences are listed on the website, and worsen for you.

For Victoria (my state) they have a process for "pausing" the process because of the covid mess or poverty. As long as you remain polite, you are likely to be able to get info over the phone. Have the infringement number ready as they would like that info first.

There is only a very small chance of error, which can be checked by looking at the photo which is freely available online.

The points on the licence is not such a problem, but the debt owed will never, never be forgotten. If OK with you, tell us what state this was.

enter image description here

Pictures about "Red Light Ticket in Australia sent to my UK address"

Red Light Ticket in Australia sent to my UK address - Silhouette of Man Standing Against Black And Red Background
Red Light Ticket in Australia sent to my UK address - Heart-shaped Red Neon Signage
Red Light Ticket in Australia sent to my UK address - Heart and Zero Neon Light Signage

Idiot turning from wrong lane gets flashed by red light camera

More answers regarding red Light Ticket in Australia sent to my UK address

Answer 2

$446 AUS is about $336 USD or £251 sterling.

I believe that (some) Australian States & Territories will let you pay by instalments, atleast for residents. I would contact the authorities and ask if you can pay by instalment. If not, is your b/f in a position to pay the fine on your behalf, and then you can repay him (assuming this is legal)? Otherwise, can someone else lend you the money?

Answer 3

You have acknowledged that you did it.

It's a fair whack of money, but in the end of the day £250 plus the transfer fees is not so much that you'd be unable to borrow it.

Pay it and get rid of the problem.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Karolina Grabowska, Elti Meshau, Designecologist, Prateek Katyal