Rail transport in Mayotte?

Rail transport in Mayotte? - Underground Train Railway

Google Maps shows "Mayotte Light Rail" and "Mayotte Underground Lte Raiway Station" (sic) near Mamoudzou, in Mayotte.

enter image description here

On the other hand, Wikipedia says there are no railways at all on the island.

Which one is true? If there any railway, can it be used for person transport, with what stations?

Best Answer

First you probably noticed the only review, mentioning it is a desert place.

Also, we can look at OpenStreetMap and see that there is most likely nothing, even though the track that arrives at that point is better shown in Google Maps satellite view (and we cannot see any trace of railway on this view).

A google search gives a unique result that seems to just parse information from Google Maps.

So to summarize, I suppose some wrong information was filled in Google Maps, there is likely no railway (even underground as Google Maps suggests) in this area.

Pictures about "Rail transport in Mayotte?"

Rail transport in Mayotte? - Metro station with passengers on platform
Rail transport in Mayotte? - Train Track
Rail transport in Mayotte? - Unrecognizable woman riding train and looking out window

Présentation Caribus

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Kaique Rocha, Elena Saharova, Pixabay, Genine Alyssa Pedreno-Andrada