Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket valid from/to Venlo

Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket valid from/to Venlo - Camel walking on pink surface in sunny day

With a Day ticket for Germany (Quer-durch-Land-Ticket) one can travel with all local trains in Germany.

Is this ticket also valid on the train to/from Venlo in The Netherlands or is a separate ticket from Kaldenkirchen required for crossing the border?

Best Answer

Unfortunately you need a separate ticket for the trip to/from Venlo. There is a pdf-document (only in German) that lists all trains that you can use with the Day ticket for Germany (Quer-durch-Land-Ticket) - there are some train lines in Austria, Switzerland and Poland, but none in the Netherlands.

Another option could be to use the Weekend ticket for Germany (Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket) which includes the train line Kaldenkirchen – Venlo adn also the bus line 929 Niederdorf – Venlo. Here is the source (also only in German)

Pictures about "Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket valid from/to Venlo"

Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket valid from/to Venlo - Top view of empty dry plain surface of beach covered with sand in daytime
Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket valid from/to Venlo - From below of pure blue sky with clouds over empty endless desert landscape with wheels and shoes tracks on surface
Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket valid from/to Venlo - From above of crop faceless female gardener planting seedling during work in countryside

Is quer Durchs land ticket valid in ice?

The ticket is valid on all regional services ('Nahverkehr') in Germany; in other words, on S-Bahn, RB, RE and IRE services but not on intercity trains (IC, ICE, EC).

How do you use quer Durchs land tickets?

The Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket may only be used on weekdays after 9 am (weekends and national holidays from midnight) and is valid up to 3 am the following morning. The Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket may only be used on local regional trains with the letters IRE, RE, RB, or S in the train name.

How long is city ticket valid for Germany?

The City ticket is valid: For one journey to the starting station and one from the station to the destination. From the first day of validity of the ticket until the close of operations at the "City- Return"-Day (maximum 05:00 a.m. of the following day)

Is it cheaper to buy German train tickets in advance?

Is it cheaper to buy train tickets in advance in Germany? If you are buying the single journey tickets, then yes, it is usually cheaper to buy in advance. Typically about 2-3 months in advance are often the best prices.

Is een dagje QUER-DURCHS-LAND TICKET te doen? Julien zocht het voor je uit | #reisvlog

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: The Lazy Artist Gallery, Laker, RF._.studio, Karolina Grabowska