Parking fine in France

Parking fine in France - Ferris Wheel and Ship

I hired a car in France recently. When I returned home I was told by the car rental company that I had committed a parking offence. I have no recollection of this happening but I have now received an email (in France) which apparently says I can deal with the fine via email. If not I can receive details in the post. Nowhere does it say what I was supposed to have done, where it took place or how much the fine is.

Has anyone else experienced this rather strange way of dealing with parking offences in France?

Best Answer

It is not unusual to be told by your rental company that you have to pay a traffic fine. Tickets are usually charged to car owners (meaning the rental company), and the rental company is allowed to pass the charge on to you. They may have paid the fine and require you to pay them back.

If the email is really from a reputable rental company they are unlikely to be scamming you (other than perhaps adding a processing charge which you probably agreed to in the fine print). That said it is wise to be cautious. Contact the rental company at an address/phone number that you know to be correct. Check the email was from them. (Though a scammer who knows you rented a car in France through that company already knows a scary amount about you) Ask for details of the offence, and to see a copy of the ticket. You should be able to verify that it is at least somewhere where you were. You may be able to verify that the ticket is real on the appropriate municipality web site.

If you couldn't have been at the place the offence was committed then just decline be to pay. But other than that it's probably not worth fighting.

Pictures about "Parking fine in France"

Parking fine in France - City Against Sky
Parking fine in France - Old building with green lawn and bushes
Parking fine in France - Sillhouete of Eiffel Tower

How do I pay a fine in France?

The easiest way to pay your speeding fine is online at the address given (, and you can pay the fine by credit or debit card. The website is available in English and is easy to follow. Alternatively, you can send a cheque using the attached payment form.

How much is parking fine in Paris?

Indeed, drivers that forget to pay for on street parking are subject to a fine of \u20ac 50 if they are parked in the center of Paris (from 1 to 11th district) and 35 \u20ac in peripheral districts (12th to 20th district).

How do I pay a parking ticket in France?

Fines can be paid by cheque or with a timbre which is available from a tobacconist (Tabac). Post the slip with the fine and keep a receipt as proof of payment. It can also be paid online. The Service Public website has more information on parking fines that may apply.

What happens if I get a ticket in France?

Explanation about the different prices you have to pay: - When the speeding fine is 68 euros, it gets reduced to 45 euros if you pay it within 15 days. And raised to 180 euros if you have not paid within 45 days. The maximum possible being 450 euros if you never pay and it goes to a judge (judge discretion up to 450\u20ac).

WHERE to PARK in FRANCE: All About Public Parking | Où se garer en France

More answers regarding parking fine in France

Answer 2

If while having that rental car in France you noticed a ticket installed on your windshield then you have the exact info. Otherwise just report to your credit card bank, an unauthorised charge to my credit card overseas and let them handle the rest.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Ashley Fontana, Pixabay, Maria Orlova, Pixabay