Overstayed in Turkey

Overstayed in Turkey - Person Holding White Ceramic Plate With Food on It

I have overstayed in Turkey for 8 months now. My travel agent has gotten a Canadian visa for me. Do I need to return first to my home country and then travel to Canada. Or is it possible for me to exit Turkey, where I am, then go on to Canada?

Best Answer

You can go straight to Canada from Turkey.

Note though that the Turkish authorities at exit can harass you at exit, however more importantly the immigration officer at your entry point into Canada can refuse you entry if upon your landing interview he finds you are not trustworthy because you overstayed in Turkey for such a long time without good reason and hence inadmissible for that or other reasons typically related to fraud. Basically you are an illegal immigrant in Turkey thus you have a poor immigration history. A competent immigration officer at the airport will refuse you entry barring some strong extenuating evidence.

You are particularly at risk because Canadian visas show where the visa was issued. If it indicates it was issued in your home country or somewhere outside Turkey, the immigration officer will be inclined to dig for more information like was the visa properly issued. It would be best if you went back to your home country and then on to Canada a little later. In that case the likelihood of questions about your illegal stay in Turkey during your entry point into Canada would be much lower.

Pictures about "Overstayed in Turkey"

Overstayed in Turkey - Brown Concrete Building Near Body of Water
Overstayed in Turkey - Zeus Temple and medusa statue, Aizanoi, Cavdarhisar, Kutahya, Turkey
Overstayed in Turkey - Green Lake Surrounded by Green Trees Under Blue Sky

How much is the fine for overstay in Turkey?

Overstay fines and overstaying the residency permit in Turkey50 Dollar1 Month70 Dollar3 Month80 Dollar4 Month90 Dollar5 Month100 Dollar6 Month3 more rows•Aug 5, 2021

How much do you pay if you overstay your visa in Turkey?

In this case, the penalty fee to pay; It is calculated as 50 USD (First month fee) + 70 USD (10 USD for each month after the first month) + Card fee. For Georgia citizens, have 90-days visa-free staying right in Turkey.

What is the punishment for overstaying a visa?

Some of the consequences of overstaying your visa status are: Visa overstays may be barred from returning to the U.S. for ten years or three years depending on the period of overstay or \u201cunlawful presence\u201d. Visa overstays may be restricted from applying for Extension of Stay or Change of Status.

What happens if you enter Turkey illegally?

Illegal entry into Turkey will be subject to deportation. If you enter the country illegally, even if you are arrested while leaving, you will be expelled from Turkey. The same goes for staying longer than a visa. Anyone who refuses to apply for asylum in Turkey has no right to remain in this country.

How much is over stay fine in Turkey | over stay fine is necessary ? Yes or not | 2022

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Images: Karolina Grabowska, chiến bá, hasan kurt, Muhammmet BAYRAM