Leaving transit area at intermediate stop (Berlin to Kiev via Riga)

Leaving transit area at intermediate stop (Berlin to Kiev via Riga) - Red stop button on yellow handrail in modern empty public bus during daytime

I booked a flight from Berlin to Kiev. Since no direct flight was available I have choosen a flight with an intermediate stop in Riga to then continue to Kiev about an hour later.

Since I never booked a non direct flight I would like to know if I have to leave the transit/security area when changing to the interconnecting flight to Kiev and if I have to check-in and pass the security check again.

Best Answer

  1. To leave the transit area anywhere you need to have the paperwork to enter the country

  2. Once you left you need to go through security at least again. Border control is possible too.

Latvia is in the Schengen area so you can leave the airport and there will be no passport checks.

Before boarding a non-Schengen flight, you need to go through a passport control (exit check).

Take care of how you route yourself in the airport: you might face some problems if you go through the passport control leaving Schengen and then decide to leave the airport -- this requires another passport control to enter Schengen and possibly some scrunity of WTF are you doing.

Pictures about "Leaving transit area at intermediate stop (Berlin to Kiev via Riga)"

Leaving transit area at intermediate stop (Berlin to Kiev via Riga) - Side view of unrecognizable young man and woman in trendy outfits and backpack looking away while waiting for train in underground station
Leaving transit area at intermediate stop (Berlin to Kiev via Riga) - Modern shiny yellow SUV taxi car stopped near traffic light at zebra crossing in evening
Leaving transit area at intermediate stop (Berlin to Kiev via Riga) - Traffic lights and street signs near skyscrapers

48 hours transit through Ukraine / Ukraine [Episode 55]

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Will Mu, Samson Katt, Tim Samuel, Barbara Olsen