Ketapang/Banyuwangi to Mt. Ijen?

Ketapang/Banyuwangi to Mt. Ijen? - Red and Gray Pagoda Temple

Someone advised me to join the Ijen one-day tour package from Banyuwangi. Are there more convenient alternatives from Ketapang to Ijen?

Best Answer

I am also traveling to Indonesia next month and the following information i gathered:

once you arrive in Banyuwangi it is possible to hire an ojek in Banyuwangi for the journey up to Kawah Ijen, have the ojek driver wait for you to climb up to the crater. The ojek can then to take you onwards to the bus terminal in Bondowoso or can bring you back to Banyuwangi again. Also ojek can take you to first town on the way down from the crater that is serviced by public transport, Sempol.

There is another alternative route a bus from banuwangi to Licin village. From Licin you either charter a 4WD or a motorbike. If you rent a car in Banyuwangi to bring you to Paltuding it will cost you around IDR 550,000 - IDR 600,000. By motorbike it will be around IDR 200,000 - IDR 250,000.

Hope this will help and i would be visiting Ijen the opposite way from Bondowoso

Pictures about "Ketapang/Banyuwangi to Mt. Ijen?"

Ketapang/Banyuwangi to Mt. Ijen? - Two Women Sitting on Rock Facing on Body of Water and Mountain
Ketapang/Banyuwangi to Mt. Ijen? - Areal Photography Of Snow Coated Mountains Under Clear Blue Sky
Ketapang/Banyuwangi to Mt. Ijen? - Aurora Borealis over Mt. Store Nappstind

Java, Indonesia - Banyuwangi, Kawah Ijen (Tipps!)\u0026 Ferry to Bali

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Tomáš Malík, Roberto Nickson, Denis Linine, stein egil liland