J1 Visa overstaying?

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J1 Visa overstaying?

I have overstayed my J-1 visa by 6 weeks beyond the grace period end date in 2016. Currently, I am applying for a UK tourist visa. I haven't received any official warnings during this time. How should I answer this question "Have you been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country, (including the UK) in the last 10 years?"

however, I ;ve read this "For F-1 and J-1 students admitted for D/S, however, unlawful presence will not begin until U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or another relevant government authority makes a formal determination that you are here unlawfully. For example, if you overstayed 90 days before receiving a formal determination from USCIS that you were in the United States unlawfully, those 90 days would not count towards the 180-day period and the clock for unlawful presence would begin on the date USCIS made that decision. These determinations are often made when an F-1 or J-1 student files a change of status application after having overstayed."

and if I want to check my status, who should i call?

Best Answer

Whether you accrued unlawful presence or not is of no relevance to the question of whether you were "deported, removed or otherwise required to leave" the United States. You weren't.

Weirdly, whether you accrued unlawful presence also has no bearing on whether your presence in the country was in fact lawful. It's paradoxically possible to be unlawfully present without actually accruing unlawful presence. That's because the accrual of unlawful presence is only relevant to the automatic ban that is triggered by the accrual of unlawful presence.

You should answer "no" to the question about whether you were "deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country." But if they ask you whether you've ever stayed anywhere beyond your authorized period of admission, you should answer "yes."

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How long can you overstay your J-1 visa in USA?

Staying past your visa's expiration date If you've overstayed, it's generally a good idea to leave the United States within six months following the expiration date of your J-1 visa. If you overstay for six months or longer, you will not be able to return to the United States for three years.

Can I leave the US if I overstayed my visa?

If you entered the United States legally and overstayed your visa, and your green card sponsor is a U.S. citizen, you can apply for Advance Parole. You'll be able to go abroad and return to the United States without facing re-entry bars.

Can I stay in the US with an expired J-1 visa?

Remember: Though you are allowed to travel in the USA during the Grace Period, you may NOT exit and return to the USA during the Grace Period, because your J-1 visa expires on the program \u201cend date\u201d on your DS-2019 form \u2013 and you will not be allowed back in to the USA with an expired visa (to finish traveling or to ...

What is the penalty for overstaying in US on a visa?

a. The Three Year Bar: Persons who overstay in USA for more than 180 days but less than one year after their authorized period of stay has expired, and who leave the U.S. prior to the institution of removal proceedings, are barred from reentering the U.S. for three years from their date of departure.

3 ways to extend J1 visa I wish you Knew.

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Images: Nataliya Vaitkevich, Pixabay, Porapak Apichodilok, Karolina Grabowska