Is it possible to sign any contract in Sweden without a personnummer?

Is it possible to sign any contract in Sweden without a personnummer? - Crop businessman giving contract to woman to sign

I am staying in Sweden for a year and have come across this situation multiple times now. As a european citizen I should be allowed to make contract with, banks, internet service provider and thelike, shouldn't I? But with those two examples I seem to hit a solid wall when I say I don't have a personnummer (social security number for swedish citizens). Getting a SIM for my phone was no problem at all though, but only in the prepaid version, no contract there either.

So: Is there any way to do business with swedish companies without having a personnummer?

I only get one of these numbers if my studies last one year or longer, which they don't, the last two months are just vacation.

P.S. last time I asked sth like this I was referred to the immigration sx site in area 51 which was closed at some point, so I don't know a better place for this question...

Pictures about "Is it possible to sign any contract in Sweden without a personnummer?"

Is it possible to sign any contract in Sweden without a personnummer? - Person Signing in Documentation Paper
Is it possible to sign any contract in Sweden without a personnummer? - Crop businessman signing contract in office
Is it possible to sign any contract in Sweden without a personnummer? - White Printer Paper

Can I work in Sweden without personnummer?

You do not need a personal identity number in order to seek employment in Sweden. You can register on the Swedish Public Employment Service website(Arbetsf\xf6rmedlingen) and through them look for job opportunities. The Employment Service can assist in providing you with a coordination number from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Can I rent an apartment in Sweden without personnummer?

If you still don't have a Swedish personal number (personnummer), it's advisable to have your employer also sign your rental contract. This will make you more appealing to landlords as they have some form of guarantee that you are trustworthy and can pay the rent.

How long does it take to get a personnummer in Sweden?

Processing time for a personnummer After you submitted your application, you need to wait at least 4 weeks to get your Swedish personal number.

Where do I get my personnummer?

You can obtain a personnummer by registering with the Swedish Population Register through the government tax agency known as Skatteverket. Registrations cannot be made online. You must register in person at your local Skatteverket \u2013 there are over a hundred nationwide.

How to get a personnummer in Sweden: step-by-step guide (HOW-TO SWEDEN #1)

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Andrea Piacquadio, Pixabay, Andrea Piacquadio, Pixabay