If I have a US 10-year ban, can I apply for a visit visa to the US or to Canada?

If I have a US 10-year ban, can I apply for a visit visa to the US or to Canada? - Serious diverse couple searching way on map

I overstayed my US tourist visa for 8 years, and voluntarily left US 2 years ago, returning to the Philippines. If I cannot wait for the 10 years I am banned, can am I still able to apply? If not, can I apply to Canada for a visit visa? What are my options?

Best Answer

If the US says you are banned for ten years you are banned for ten years. That means a ban on visiting for any reason. Theoretically you might be able to over turn the ban in the courts, but it is exceptionally unlikely and virtually certain to be a huge waste of your money.

Canada is a separate country and you are not banned from there. However they will know about your ban from the US and that makes it extremely unlikely that you will be granted a visa.

Pictures about "If I have a US 10-year ban, can I apply for a visit visa to the US or to Canada?"

If I have a US 10-year ban, can I apply for a visit visa to the US or to Canada? - Amazed young multiracial male and female friends in casual outfits looking away while exploring map in Grand Central Terminal
If I have a US 10-year ban, can I apply for a visit visa to the US or to Canada? - Young African American male tourist pointing away while searching for direction with diverse fiends standing in railway station terminal with paper map in hands
If I have a US 10-year ban, can I apply for a visit visa to the US or to Canada? - World War I domed memorial with columns against overcast sky

Do I need a waiver after a 10 year ban?

Waivers of the 3- or 10-year unlawful presence bars are available only to people who can show that certain members of their family would suffer \u201cextreme hardship\u201d should they be separated.

Can I come back to the US if I overstayed?

Overstays & Unlawful Presence If you enter the United States with a valid visa (for example, a tourist or student visa) and overstay by less than 180 days, your visa will be considered void and you'll need to get a new visa in your home country if you want to come back to the United States.

Can I go to Canada with US tourist visa?

Yes, most travellers need a visitor visa or an eTA to travel to, or transit through, Canada.

What disqualifies you from getting a visa?

Being affiliated with terrorism, Nazism, Communism, or any form of anti-government activity can disqualify you for a visa. Prior violation of immigration law. If you were deported previously, you are most likely ineligible for a visa.


Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Samson Katt, William Fortunato, William Fortunato, Gotta Be Worth It