How greatly may the actual arrival time at the Canadian land border differ from the ArriveCAN form's declared time?

How greatly may the actual arrival time at the Canadian land border differ from the ArriveCAN form's declared time? - From below of aged retro golden clock placed atop information booth of historic Grand Central Terminal with arched windows

I plan to enter Canada from the US by car on a certain day, via the Douglas Border Crossing. I must complete the ArriveCAN form, which asks me to declare not just the date, but the precise time of arrival, to the specific minute.

But I don't know when exactly I will arrive. Lots of things can make me arrive a few hours earlier or later when I drive myself to the land border: chatting after dinner, traffic jams, border line-ups, and more. I am very confident about my 12-hour period of arrival. I have moderate confidence about a 1-hour window of arrival. I have no confidence about the exactly minute when I will arrive.

How greatly may the actual arrival time at the Canadian land border differ from the ArriveCAN form's declared time? What accuracy limits are published Canadian government policy? What about our experiences? What differences have people had success with — or problems? Is the answer different for different categories of travellers, e.g. Canadians returning home after less than 72 hours in the US, vs US or other citizens visiting Canada?

(This question applies to the rules for entering Canada in effect from November 30, 2021, and onwards. As long as those rules are substantially unchanged, this question and its answers remain valid. But because of the pandemic, the rules will probably change, and that may require a different question and different answers.)

Pictures about "How greatly may the actual arrival time at the Canadian land border differ from the ArriveCAN form's declared time?"

How greatly may the actual arrival time at the Canadian land border differ from the ArriveCAN form's declared time? - Airline Flight Schedules on Flat screen Televisions
How greatly may the actual arrival time at the Canadian land border differ from the ArriveCAN form's declared time? - From above back view of unrecognizable female friends in traditional wear sitting on hilltop and looking at town with typical buildings
How greatly may the actual arrival time at the Canadian land border differ from the ArriveCAN form's declared time? - Top view of paper world map with continents and different countries oceans and seas placed in sunny room

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: William Fortunato, Josh Sorenson, Ryutaro Tsukata, Nothing Ahead