How can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch?

How can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch? - Silhouette of Man on Rock Walking during Nightime

The Great Pacific garbage patch is a region in the central North Pacific Ocean characterized by a great concentration of plastics and other traces of human trash. Here's an approximate map:

garbage map

Is it possible for a tourist to somehow visit this area? Judging from the map, Hawaii seems to be the closest human settlement. Are there any tours departing from Honolulu that explore this ecological disaster?

Best Answer

You can be a part of a clean up project for $10,000

Pictures about "How can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch?"

How can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch? - Silhouette of Trees
How can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch? - Sea and Rock Formation Photo
How can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch? - Ocean Water during Yellow Sunset

Can ships go through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration's Marine Debris Program has estimated that it would take 67 ships one year to clean up less than one percent of the North Pacific Ocean. Many expeditions have traveled through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Can you see the Great Pacific Garbage Patch from an airplane?

No, you can't see the Great Pacific Garbage Patch from space. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a large collection of marine debris that can be seen floating on the ocean surface. It's large, but you can't see it from space.

Can you see the garbage patch on Google Earth?

Most of the plastic is particulate and/or a bit under the surface so you can't see it in the imagery. A number of groups are starting to focus on collecting more data about the gyre via expeditions and sampling \u2013 we'd love to see one or more of them produce maps that could be viewed in Google Earth.

Where are the 5 great garbage patches located?

There are five gyres to be exact\u2014the North Atlantic Gyre, the South Atlantic Gyre, the North Pacific Gyre, the South Pacific Gyre, and the Indian Ocean Gyre\u2014that have a significant impact on the ocean. The big five help drive the so-called oceanic conveyor belt that helps circulate ocean waters around the globe.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Not What You Think It Is | The Swim

More answers regarding how can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch?

Answer 2

  1. it moves around, so there's no fixed place to visit
  2. there's nothing to see. Not only are the bits and pieces small and mostly invisible against sea water, they're also mostly below the surface
  3. disaster tourism is generally discouraged in any civilised nation
  4. there's simply not enough (luckily) interest to organise tour boats (well, tour cruise liners, a typical tour boat wouldn't survive that far out to sea)

No doubt you can charter a large ocean going ship and go looking, if you have the funds. But why would you want to?

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Jeff Nissen, Pixabay, Anand Dandekar, Sascha Thiele