Details about part-time jobs in DS-160 form

Details about part-time jobs in DS-160 form - White leaves placed on wall

While filling up my DS-160 form, I was not able to enter details of my part-time work in the past 5 years. After filling up details of my full-time employment, the "Add more Employment" button got disabled and I couldn't add more details.

The savings of my part-time business are the main source of my financial statement. Now if the Visa officer asks me a question regarding my past employment? Should I mention the details of my part-time business? I don't want to shock Visa officer with new information and create distrust.

Is there anyway to provide this information before hand? Can anyone provide a good solution?

Pictures about "Details about part-time jobs in DS-160 form"

Details about part-time jobs in DS-160 form - Empty paper on tiled wall
Details about part-time jobs in DS-160 form - Decorated stars and cotton clouds
Details about part-time jobs in DS-160 form - Blank poster hanging near window

What should I fill in primary occupation in DS 160?

If you are filing DS 160 for your Father and the question is about his duties, the response should be straight forward - \u201cA farmer by profession to engage in cultivation of food grains and other similar agricultural produce per the season and demand.\u201d

What are the details to be filled in DS 160?

In order to complete Form DS-160, you will need your passport and travel itinerary, along with any national ID number issued by your home country, and your Social Security Number or U.S. Taxpayer ID if you have one.

How do you answer briefly describe your duties in DS 160?

Briefly describe your duties:If student, write \u201cstudent\u201d. This means your job or other primary daily activity. Please be specific in describing your occupation: e.g. software engineer, trader in chemicals, manager in travel company, MD of pharmaceutical company. It is not enough to just write \u201cBusiness\u201d or \u201cService\u201d.

What do I put for primary occupation?

Your primary occupation means the job you have experience in (within the last ten years) and want to base your immigration application on, if you are invited to apply.

Filling the DS-160 form Step-by-Step || Caveats, Tricks, and Guaranteed Success

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Images: Tara Winstead, Monstera, Monstera, Monstera