COVID and driving from UK to Italy: do I need to self isolate in France even though I just want to drive directly to Belgium and Germany?

COVID and driving from UK to Italy: do I need to self isolate in France even though I just want to drive directly to Belgium and Germany? - From above of contemporary shiny yellow cabs riding on asphalt roadway in New York at night

I am an Italian citizen and I am relocating back to Italy, following the new rules for travelling in France, I do have a "compelling reason to travel".

I want to cross the channel with my car using the euro-tunnel.

I understand that I have to fill some forms and test requires to enter France, but I don't not understand the two days of mandatory quarantine even if I am not planning to stay in France at all. I just want to drive directly to Belgium and then Germany (possibly do a stop in Germany to sleep) and drive to Italy the next day. Both Germany and Belgium grant permission to transit their territory for the minimal amount technically needed to pass through.

I am not able to find any document addressing this specific situation, could somebody point me to some document or link that discuss something similar?

Pictures about "COVID and driving from UK to Italy: do I need to self isolate in France even though I just want to drive directly to Belgium and Germany?"

COVID and driving from UK to Italy: do I need to self isolate in France even though I just want to drive directly to Belgium and Germany? - Blue car on parking lot
COVID and driving from UK to Italy: do I need to self isolate in France even though I just want to drive directly to Belgium and Germany? - From above of unrecognizable male in medical mask driving white car on street on gloomy cloudy day during coronavirus
COVID and driving from UK to Italy: do I need to self isolate in France even though I just want to drive directly to Belgium and Germany? - Traffic in modern illuminated city at night

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Tim Samuel, Erik Mclean, Furknsaglam, Ferdie Balean