Comparison transportation and expense in Paris

Comparison transportation and expense in Paris - Time-Lapse Photography of Cars on Road

I am going to do exchange student program in Paris next month and also live for 9 months. Of course, I am just new there and wonder about the transportation service.

My question: I would like to know the comparison each transportation service with average expense in Paris (i.g. Taxi, public metro or etc)

Best Answer

It depends where you are going to live in Paris. In terms of public transport I would say the most expensive form would be the taxi. The metro/bus/tram would cover all your transportation needs within the city boundaries. You could go for a monthly subscription or buy de "carnet de 10" tickets. These sets of 10 tickets you can buy at any vending machine.

As @Gilles already explained there is also the Velib, but I would advise you to buy a bicycle. I have to disagree with @Gilles, Paris is awesome for cycling. I spent 2 years living in Paris and my bicycle was my main form of transport. A lot of my colleagues back then called me an idiot because there is this huge misconception that cycling is a dangerous affair. On the contrary, there is one brilliant rule, which makes cycling the ultimate form of transport in Paris and that is that cyclists are allowed to use the bus lane. Nothing beats the sensation of cycling past traffic jams on a almost empty bus lane in Paris. To give you an idea. A fellow student lived in the same campus as me (Le cite universitaire). It took her 45 minutes by metro to get to the faculty building, while I only needed 10 minutes of cycling.

There is an awesome bicycle shop, where you can get nice second hand biccycles, or rent one to try if cycling paris is your cup of tea. (Gepetto velos)

Pictures about "Comparison transportation and expense in Paris"

Comparison transportation and expense in Paris - Photo of Motorcycles and Vehicles Parked on Road
Comparison transportation and expense in Paris - Vehicles on Road Beside Buildings
Comparison transportation and expense in Paris - Cars on the Road

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Boris Ulzibat, Chait Goli, Huy Phan, Jarod Barton