Cockroaches: What can be done about them?

Cockroaches: What can be done about them? - A Man Standing with a Can of Paint

Personally, I have not encountered cockroaches, but I wish to know how to deal them if I do. Are there any health concerns related to them? Are they in the habit of sneaking into your bed or luggage? Is shaking your boots in the morning the only thing you have to do about them?

Best Answer

Rory already gave a very good answer, but here are some more points to consider:

  • Be careful not to carry them back home. They are very difficult to eradicate once settled, and a few sneaking in between your stuff can be enough to infest your home for weeks or as long as there is something for them to eat. You might want to put all your stuff in a "quarantined zone" for a few days -- preferably air your clothes outside away from your house.
  • Virtually nothing helps once they are present, the best you can do is to largely ignore them -- as Rory suggests, keep lights turned on at night (or off, for they won't bother you as much when you can't see them).
  • Don't leave food outside. No need to give them additional opportunity to come out, and even the toughest of pests need to eat something. Anything that has stayed outside overnight is considered dirty and should be washed before use, including utensils and plates. Watch for tiny dark balls of unknown matter (similar to finely ground coffee in appearance) that gather around the corners and near food, this is a tell-tale sign that the little buggers are afoot.
  • They don't like the cold much, and generally have hard time finding their way inside the fridge. However, they do tend to gather on the back of the fridge due to the warmth (which is one more proof that thermodynamics is indeed a b*tch). You'll find them in warm places, such as bathrooms, closets and service rooms with hot water pipes.

  • From experience, there isn't an efficient way to eradicate them once they have infested the premises short of drastic measures. Pest sprays only get you so far, and against a horde of invaders won't be of much use.

Pictures about "Cockroaches: What can be done about them?"

Cockroaches: What can be done about them? - Brown Wooden Blocks on White Table
Cockroaches: What can be done about them? - A Person Putting Money in a Can
Cockroaches: What can be done about them? - Book On A White Wooden Table

Quick Answer about "Cockroaches: What can be done about them?"

  • Use Glue Traps to Identify Problem Areas. Glue traps are an effective way to identify roach problem areas and resolve infestations. ...
  • Set Bait Stations. ...
  • Caulk all Entry Points. ...
  • Use a Liquid Concentrate. ...
  • Hire a Pest Management Professional.

  • What gets rid of roaches permanently?

    Boric acid: Used correctly, boric acid is one of the most effective roach killers. It's odorless, has low toxicity to pets, and since it isn't repellent to roaches, they will not seek to avoid it, crawling through it repeatedly until it kills them.

    Can you completely get rid of cockroaches?

    A combination of an insecticide to kill active cockroaches, bait to eliminate hidden roaches, and an IGR to prevent them from reproducing is necessary for a complete roach treatment. Monitor cockroaches with glue boards. It can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months to completely eliminate roaches.

    What Do Cockroaches Do And How To Get Rid Of Them | Everything Explained

    More answers regarding cockroaches: What can be done about them?

    Answer 2

    They are not as dangerous as you (probably) think they are. Sure, people do get diseases from them from time to time but nothing drastic like mosquitoes and other more potent disease carriers.

    I'm from a country where an encounter with a cockroach is unavoidable even in pretty upscale places. The other answers are correct, they are very hard to eradicate. Short of carpet bombing your home with chemical weapons, the best you can do is keep everything clean and don't leave any food uncovered. That said, some things do help to keep them away: insect sprays (usually applied under the sink and other nooks and crannies. Moth balls/camphor balls also seem to work.

    Also to avoid carrying them back home, make sure to also watch out for their eggs. They look like coffee beans that aren't ground yet. These also have a tell tale (albeit subtle) smell.

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: ANTONI SHKRABA, Brett Jordan, Towfiqu barbhuiya, Ylanite Koppens