Category "visas-on-arrival"

What happens if you don't have a passport photo when you get to the Laos border for a visa-on-arrival?

I've read online that one of the requirements for getting the visa-on-arrival when entering Laos at a border crossing is that you must have a passport photo. B

I'm Indonesian, can I leave Frankfurt airport without a visa when I'm waiting for a connecting flight to London?

So far I know that Indonesians need a visa to visit Germany (EU) however I will have a UK visa on my passport, and a ticket (connecting flight to London), and m

What are the immigration times like at Entebbe airport?

Are there any current statistics on the average time it takes to pass Ugandan immigration at Entebbe airport when requiring a visa on arrival?

Does Air Europa require a tourist visa to Cuba? [closed]

Does Air Europa require you to have a tourist visa for Cuba to get on board or can I buy it at Havana Airport?

Visa-on-arrival basics

There are many countries that provide on arrival visa service for its visitors. Does visa-on-arrival mean every visitor arriving at particular country (which o

Can I get a visa on arrival for India?

I've heard that tourist visas on arrival are being extended to include more countries?

Do I need a bus/train/plane ticket out of Thailand in order to get a Visa-on-Arrival?

Someone told me I need a ticket out of Thailand in order to enter. I am traveling to Thailand, on March 18th. I have a Ticket from Bangkok to Sweden booked for

Can I leave Indonesia and use the same visa when I return?

I have two options to get to Makassar from Padang: Padang–Yakarta–Makassar Padang–Kuala Lumpur–Makassar The second one is much cheaper

Do I need a transit visa if spending 10 hours in a Vietnamese airport?

I'm a British national. The flight I'm looking at is from Malaysia to Tan Son Nhat International in Vietnam. There's a ten hour stop over before I can make my c

Regarding Afghan nationals visiting Azerbaijan

I heard that visas will be given to Afghan passport holders upon arrival to the Azerbaijan airport. How true is that? A second question: what nearby country iss

On a student visitor visa to UK with a layover in Germany: Can I get Schengen visa on arrival or can I do sightseeing wile transiting without a visa?

I am traveling to the UK from India on a student visitor visa. I have a stopover at Frankfurt. Can I sightsee while transiting without a visa or do I need to pr

Why is the British passport the most valuable despite colonization? [closed]

I was checking out Wikipedia and I could see a British passport entitles to visa-free or visa-on-arrival for 173 countries despite colonizatio

What countries allow the most visa free / visa on arrival entries? [duplicate]

Why is the British passport the most valuable despite colonization? is a discussion of which passports allow the most visa-free or visa-on-arr

What kinds of documentation does a US citizen need to enter the UK on a tourist visa? [duplicate]

I am a US citizen travelling to the UK for tourism. What kinds of documentation do I need to make sure that I have have with me when I get to

What documents do I need to do a visa run at Thailand/Myanmar border?

I'm having a hard time figuring out what documents I need to provide when I show up at the Burmese border to do a Thai visa run. According to http://www.mip.go

Transit visa on arriving for Japan [duplicate]

I and my wife are visiting Sfo, USA on Indian passport and will be going back to Delhi via Tokyo, Japan by Ana airline in October. I want to s

How to apply for Vietnam tourist visa

My passport is from Canada, and I live in Japan. I have a 10-hour stopover in Hanoi and a 16 hour stopover in Ho Chi Minh two weeks later. I'd like to explore t

Travelling On B-1 Visa From Australia And Entering US As Consultant

I am slightly confused about the B-1 visa and hope someone can point me to the appropriate documentation that can help clarify something for me. I have signed

Does one need to fill in a form for a Visa On Arrival?

I am specifically looking for the case in Indonesia. If a form is required, what sort of information is required on the form? Or does this simply involve pay

Do I need to show/fill-out any special documents for Philippine Air if traveling to China for 72-hour Transit Visa?

I am traveling from San Francisco to Beijing in November, and will only be spending about 60 hours in Beijing. I learned from a friend that as a U.S. citizen fl