Category "trains"

Per-route on-time performance for VIA rail

Is there anywhere to find per-route on-time performance for VIA Rail, similar to Amtrak's reports? All I found is a 2011 statistic for select routes and overal

Food on the TGVs between France and Spain?

In a few days time, I'll be taking a long TGV trip, on the new(ish) service between Barcelona and Paris. Given the length of the journey, I'm wondering about th

Is a Kyushu itinerary with Japan Rail Pass + Car Rental cheaper/more convenient?

We (2 adults, 2 toddlers) are planning a trip to Kyushu in November. We are considering 7 days JR Rail passes and will likely be using one day from Osaka to Hir

Travel to Scotland over Christmas & New Years: are hiking & outdoor activities right out?

I'm trying to plan a trip to Scotland & I don't want to wait >6 months for a number of reasons. It looks like there are a lot of winter festivals all ov

Why do UK train tickets crossing London include the underground, but Paris ones don't for the metro?

When buying a UK train ticket, if one of the allowed routes for it involves changing stations in London, then then the route on the ticket will be printed with

Buying stamps in Barcelona Sants station

Earlier today, I bought some postcards in Barcelona, from a gift shop at a museum which didn't sell stamps. I then retired to a nearby cafe for a coffee, and wr

Claiming compensation for late service of Eurotunnel

Yesterday I was coming back from France using the Euro Tunnel, and they had substantial delays of about 90 minutes. Hence the question: when is it possible to c

Trenitalia e-ticket not received

How long does it take to receive a Trenitalia ticket purchased online? I purchased online and expected an email with the PNR and CP. Nothing received after 24 h

How to use a "code avantage" discount code from the SNCF Voyageur program?

Thanks to this earlier question on the SNCF Voyageur program, I now know roughly how the program works, and I've signed up for it. Despite some issues with prev

Travelling from Frankfurt airport to Leipzig by train

As a kind of follow up to Travelling from Berlin Airport to Leipzig, I have decided to take the train from Frankfurt to Leipzig. I believe that the station a

Rail cost from Weeze to Düsseldorf

Does anyone know the cost of a single train ticket from Weeze to Düsseldorf, and is it cheaper/possible to get an open return?

Which ways can i go from Atlanta to Philadelphia? [closed]

I am going to the US for the first time to attend an event in Atlanta. I have a friend whom i'd like to visit as well but she lives in Philade

How rigorous are Amtrak in enforcing luggage rules?

Looking at Amtrak trains between NY and Boston, I found that all had "no checked luggage" save for a midnight train (less than ideal for a relaxing vacation).

Can I still enter any Schengen member state if I have been denied entry to another?

I was held at the Polish borders when I attempted to enter by train. They took my fingerprints and sent me back with a written document. I respected the decisio

Singapore downtown and Sentosa island

I have 1 week in Singapore to complete some of the paperwork, so I was thinking to make the best use of it. I'd greatly appreciate and grateful if you could h

On TGV (or other French long-distance trains), can you take the earlier/later train?

Last year I had a ticket on a certain TGV. I arrived let due to getting a coffee. I got on the next TGV, an hour later. I figured I'd have to buy a new ticket

What is the closest city I can go from a bullet train departing from Beijing?

In my country, we don't have high-speed bullet trains and I have no previous experience riding a bullet train either. I have a one week vacation in Beijing (bot

Place to quickly find Amtrak fares for multiple days?

There are a lot of sites that can show you air fares over a range of dates, some of them up to a month. But where can I find something vaguely like that for Am

When does the Yufuin no mori train run?

We will be travelling to Yufuin and Beppu in Mid November and we were wondering if the Yufuin no mori train will be running then. I've seen somewhere that it is

Converting a JR-Rail Pass?

When you convert JR-Rail pass voucher to a JR-Rail pass, can you set the date or does it start from that moment? When I have a start date for the Japan Rail pa