Category "statistics"

The percentage of "missed flights"

What is the percentage of “missed flights”, on international flights, due to late passengers arrival at their designated hour to the airport?

Can we find some statistics for crime in Japan with tourist / foreign victims?

I've now been to Japan I think seven times in the past fifteen years, for durations between 24 hours and three months. I had always found Japan matches or exce

Which airplane is the safest?

Is there some source or research on crash statistics for each type of airplane? For example I want to know the number of crashes, fatalities, and the dates. I w

Data on baggage theft rates, by airport or airline

Do airports or airlines disclose the number of checked-in baggage thefts reported by passengers every year, and is there a central database where one can find a

Why is there such a huge difference in refusal rates on Schengen Visa between countries?

If you look at the statistics, there is quite a difference on refusal rates per country, where Belgium tops the list with 16% in 2012 and the Baltics refuse les

How can I check when I can (statistically) fly to given locations most cheaply? [duplicate]

There are many sites where I can search for a particular flight with various date ranges and compare the prices. But, say, I want to go from

How do eVisas increase tourism by 400%?

Today I read in the news that eVisas have increased tourism for India by 400%. How do eVisas increase tourism so drastically? How is it different from a regular

Historical flight data outside of the USA?

The question Where can I find historical data on arrival and departure times of a particular flight? only deals with flights in the US sourced from the Bureau o

Do we have any kind of statistics for how often rebels actually take tourists hostage in Grozny, Chechnya, Russia?

Both Wikitravel and Wikivoyage warn about the dangers of being kidnapped if you visit Grozny, the capital of Chechnya. Wikivoyage has this wording: Rebels o

How can I find safety records for extreme sports in New Zealand?

All companies providing those services claim they are very safe and they do everything in their power for this, but some quick research shows that it's not 100%

Why is the Dubai airport so busy?

I notice that the Dubai International Airport is the 3rd busiest airport in the world (after Atlanta and Beijing) on the Wikipedia's list of the world's busiest

What is the typical ratio of paid versus free miles in frequent flyer programs? [closed]

I realize that this varies from program to program and depends on various factors. But just as a general rule of thumb what is the ratio of mi

Historical flight data outside of the USA?

The question Where can I find historical data on arrival and departure times of a particular flight? only deals with flights in the US sourced from the Bureau o

How many international tourist deaths are terrorism related? [closed]

Worldwide, over the past couple of decades (maybe since October 9 1995 if you need to be exact), how many deaths of international tourists are

What is the longest passenger flight (with a flight number) in the world?

For example, JQ151 from Sydney to Christchurch is around 3 hours. NZ1 however, is about another 7 to Hong Kong. Will need a regular flight number to verify.

Is it true there's a greater chance of being killed by lightning than of dying on a flight?

When people try to calm others who are afraid of flying some will claim it's more likely you will be killed by lightning than dying on a flight. Is there any tr

Statistics on how often certain flights are cancelled

Is there a reliable way of finding statistics on how often certain airlines cancel flights or certain routes get cancelled? Bonus points if that varies dependin

Are there statistics of airports by flight cancellation rate?

Looking around on airports, some people claim that Innsbruck (INN) has a bad reputation because of fog. Some say they fly there a lot and there is no problem. A

Are there online resources which shows tourism statistics of a country?

From what little or not I understand of Tourism, tourism statistics would fall and rise more according to economic, political conditions of host and guest count

Venice tourist volume

I'm searching for hard data on the tourist volume (number of visitors, even if they don't have a room there) in Venice for the entire year, but had no luck so f