Category "southeast-asia"

Travel without a purpose to Bali

I live in Singapore. I want to go on a trip to Bali for two days (Saturday and Sunday) . I don't want to stay in hotels. I have no real purpose for this visit.

Not so famous places to visit from Singapore under $500 [closed]

I am planning to go for a 4 day trip to some place in south-east Asia for the Chinese New Year holidays in February. But my budget is strictly

Crossing the Aranya Pratet/Poipet border

When traveling from Bangkok to Siem Reap, the direct route is via the Aranya Pratet/Poipet border crossing. This border crossing can be a financial pain for in

Volunteer travel in South East Asia / Africa

I want to go for a volunteer trip to south-east Asian countries or Africa. Although I found a website called STAtravel. I am looking for some more pointers for

Backpacking to East Malaysia, where to start? where to end? [closed]

When travelling to East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), what is the recommended starting town? and which town should be the final landing point?

Can I participate in the farming/harvesting of chocolate/cacao as a tourist anywhere in the world?

Even us chocolate lovers don't know much about where chocolate comes from. It comes from a plant. Can tourists help out where it is grown anywhere? Apparently

How well are allergies understood in Bhutan?

I have oral allergy syndrome and I'm going to be traveling to Bhutan in fall. I've encountered a very wide range of attitudes towards allergies in different cou

What visas do I need for traveling to South East Asia if I'm a Canadian Citizen?

I am a Canadian Citizen and will be travelling to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. I will be in Thailand for 2 weeks, then Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos for

Which (South) East-Asian contries are the cleanest? [closed]

I had been in Thailand recently and I was negatively surprised with how dirty the country is. Garbage was everywhere - along the roads, in th

Cheap flights in South-East Asia [closed]

What companies offering domestic flights in Thailand and countries near it like Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Burma? Currently needed directions a

Overland route from Southeast Asia (Malaysia) to South Asia (India, Nepal, or Pakistan)

I'm contemplating an overland advernture trip starting in Southeast Asia (possibly Malaysia or Singapore) to South Asia, ideally to the Hunza Valley in Pakistan

Are there any countries in South-East Asia that don't require a motorcycle licence to ride one?

I only have an European car drivers licence and I'm wondering if it is possible to rent/buy a motorcycle somewhere in South-East Asia and ride it. Is it allowed

Where in Southeast Asia is free camping permitted?

I've been inspired by the success of my old question "Where in the Balkans is free camping permitted?" and soon to embark on a similar kind of trip in a very di

If travelling with luggage in SE Asia and not staying in hotels, where can I leave my belongings?

I'm wondering whether it is possible to live in hostels, Airbnb and bungalows and yet still be unencumbered with a "rollaboard" type luggage one might bring alo

Cheapest place to fly from China, Taiwan, or Southeast Asia to Ishigaki, Japan?

I'm pondering meeting up with a friend in Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan on my upcoming trip. I'll be on a tight budget hitchhiking from Singapore to China with no r

Is any Southeast Asian country easier for obtaining a visa for China?

In my experience it can make a lot of difference at which consulate in which country you apply for a visa in an upcoming country on your trip. For instance I s

Where can I get free maps? (particularly of Southeast Asia)

Are there any places I can obtain free printed maps of SEA or countries within? I'm travelling from San Francisco, USA and am going to Thailand and Bali, Indone

How often do cameras get stolen while someone is using them in SE Asia?

I'm traveling to Vietnam and was wondering how much I should be on gaurd about theives looking to cut my camera strap and run off or grab it while driving by?

Are there international ferries between Pontianak/Borneo and neighbouring countries?

I'm "planning an unplanned trip" around Asia starting in about a week and I keep finding out I've got more travel friends around the place who I should try to v

Last minute / standby air travel options in Asia?

I've seen a few questions about 'staff standby' tickets - where you get a cheap ticket with 'low priority' - eg, if there's an empty seat, you can fly. I call