Category "planning"

What is the best method of purchasing a ticket with an open return date?

I’ve been doing some research on traveling to South America and staying for an extended period of time (working vacation). The usual sources for flight in

Paris on a Tuesday - are the Louvre and the Pompidou Centre the only "big" attractions that are closed?

One that's caught me out before is that the Louvre is closed on Tuesdays. It looks like the Centre Pompidou is also closed Tuesdays (French - Tuesday=Mardi). H

Travel planning web sites

I am currently planning a 2 month trip through China, and I wanted to know what are the best online options to plan a trip. First off : I am really looking fo

Swiss mountain peaks in February - suitable weather conditions?

A friend of mine based in India is planning a trip to Switzerland in Feb 2012 He's worried about how severe the winter will be - will it cause the peaks like M

What is some useful software for brainstorming/planning long trips?

I'm planning on taking my partner and his family on a trip around the UK next year, and I have a ton of ideas in my head that I want to have w

How should I choose the best option for a London apartment rental? [closed]

I am traveling with two coworkers after our London Dev Days event, and we are looking to rent a local apartment. Knowing very little about Lon

Is there a flight search engine that has an option to show full flights?

Quite often when searching for plane tickets I get only some high priced results, ridiculous schedules, etc. It makes me wonder if these are the only options to

What is the best time of year to visit Reykjavík?

When I ask for the "best" time of year, I am looking for a reasonable balance of the following criteria, in order of importance: Mild weather. Ideally, warm e

Advice on taxis and accommodation for travel in Sri Lanka [closed]

My partner and I are going travelling in Sri Lanka in November for two weeks and I'm trying to plan a trip. I have a few specific questions ab

What considerations should I make for traveling in Israel on the Sabbath?

I am planning to travel around Israel (from Oct 19 to Nov 5th), and I am wondering what effect the Sabbath will have on transport, restaurants and the sights. S

Good locations in Spain for hiking, nature, architecture, and photo opportunities? [closed]

I'm thinking about visiting Spain sometime in September or October. I'm interested in hiking, nature and historic architecture and am constan

How should I prepare for a visit to the rice terraces?

When we're in Guilin (China) we can take an excursion to the rice terraces Now I have no idea what its like to visit them. Should I expect to get wet feet o

What clothes should I bring on a backpacking trip

I am planning a 2 month backpacking trip through China. I would like to Bring the LEAST clothing possible Be comfortable in temperatures ranging from 10 C (5

What should we plan to see on a weekend in Belfast? [closed]

I'm planning a weekend in Belfast with 3 friends around mid-October. The only things we planned for now are the Crusaders-Ballymena footall ga

What is the best way to fit the sites I want to see in Rome into two days?

Definition of "best": Cheap, time-efficient, in that order. I'm going to be in Rome for two full days and I want to hit up the following sites: Day 1: Colos

How to calculate the air-line distance between two places?

A lot of the time, I'm looking for a way to calculate the air-line distance between two places, most often city centers. For example when I flew from Zurich to

How to plan routes that aren't covered by Google Maps? [closed]

For the next summer I'm planning to drive to some countries that aren't covered by the route planning tool of Google Maps. What other possibil

How do you prepare for long haul flights?

I'm always feeling a bit unwell during and after long haul flights. I lose my appetite, can't sleep in the plane, food has no taste no matter what. However, I'm

Please help me understand this Deutsche Bahn schedule from Prague to Vienna

OK, I'm in the "dream" planning stages for my next trip to Europe. Prague and Vienna is a contender. So I get this Deutsche Bahn (DB) app for my iPhone and ty

How to prepare for a trip to the Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park?

I'm a huge mountain fan and I'd really like to go to the Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park. Since today I only did some hiking tours in the Alps and therefore