Can I extend my stay for more than 16 days in Germany if my visa indicate duration of stay 16 days? [closed]

Can I extend my stay for more than 16 days in Germany if my visa indicate duration of stay 16 days? [closed] - Silver Macbook on Brown Wooden Table

I applied for a short term visa to visit family in Germany and my visa is indicating duration of stay is 16 days. My question is - can I stay longer than the 16 days the visa is indicating?

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Can I extend my stay for more than 16 days in Germany if my visa indicate duration of stay 16 days? [closed] - Silver Macbook on White Table
Can I extend my stay for more than 16 days in Germany if my visa indicate duration of stay 16 days? [closed] - Parmigiano Cheese

How do I extend my long stay visa in Germany?

You can extend your visa at the foreigners' registration office in the town or city where you live. Alternatively, you can apply for an Aufenthaltserlaubnis (residence permit). As it takes some time to process your application, you should apply for an extension about two months before your visa expires.

How many days I can stay in Germany after my visa expires?

Overstaying the Schengen Visa allowance of 90 days within 180 days is not without consequences. Remaining after the expiry period may constitute a stay without a corresponding residence permit and will be prosecuted in Germany as a criminal or administrative offence.

What happens if I over stay my visa in Germany?

You may be deported immediately, within just a few hours or after a few days. On the other hand, if you get caught engaging in paid activity while overstaying your visa, or engaging in illegal activities, you will most possibly be taken into custody where you will wait for your trial.

How long you can stay after applying for visa extension?

The maximum amount of time you can extend on a B-1 visa is up to 6 months, for a total of 1 year. It is a common misconception that you are only allowed to file for an extension of stay if you are a B1, business visa holder or a B2, tourism visa holder.

Overstaying in the Schengen Zone - How to Extend Your Stay in Europe UPDATED

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Images: cottonbro, Ketut Subiyanto, cottonbro, Castorly Stock