By train from Saarbrücken to Stockholm?

By train from Saarbrücken to Stockholm? - Young ethnic man in earbuds listening to music while waiting for transport at contemporary subway station

How long would it take to travel from Saarbrücken to Stockholm using the train?

I'm able to make 1 stop if necessary.

And what route do I need to travel?

Pictures about "By train from Saarbrücken to Stockholm?"

By train from Saarbrücken to Stockholm? - Black man using mobile while commuting by train
By train from Saarbrücken to Stockholm? - Top View Photo of Train Surrounded by Trees
By train from Saarbrücken to Stockholm? - Exteriors of modern illuminated glass buildings in downtown at night

Train journey SaarBrucken T0 SaarLouis in Germany

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Andrea Piacquadio, Ketut Subiyanto, Kelly, Daniel Torobekov