Are the UK Highway Code rules regarding roundabouts sufficient? [closed]

Are the UK Highway Code rules regarding roundabouts sufficient? [closed] - Brown Bridge on Green Grass Field Near Mountain

Highway Code rule 185 clause 1 states:

When reaching the roundabout you should give priority to traffic approaching from your right, unless directed otherwise by signs, road markings or traffic lights.

However, there is no equivalently strong rule that says to give priority to traffic already on a roundabout (or other junction).

This creates a problem:

Illustration 1:

The vehicle emerging from the right is turning left. So you proceed onto the roundabout. The vehicle behind the one turning left shoots across and collides with you. Technically, without an 'already on the junction' rule, you are in the wrong.

Illustration 2:

A four-way mini roundabout. A vehicle arrives at each junction pretty-much simultaneously. Each gives way to the one to the right and comes to a stop. In practice, one driver proceeds and the lock-out is solved. However, he is now in breach of rule 185 clause 1. If the driver to his right was to accelerate and cause a collision, the first driver to move is in breach of rule 185.

There are other Highway Code rules which help but nothing seems to quite fix the problem:

Rule 185 Clause 3

When reaching the roundabout you should watch out for all other road users already on the roundabout; be aware they may not be signalling correctly or at all

But "watch out for" is not as strong as "give priority to".

Rule 187 Clause 2

In all cases watch out for and give plenty of room to traffic crossing in front of you on the roundabout, especially vehicles intending to leave by the next exit

Even if this is relevant, "watch out for" / "give plenty of room to" are again weak directives compared to "give priority to".

  1. Overview This section should be read by all drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders. The rules in The Highway Code do not give you the right of way in any circumstance, but they advise you when you should give way to others. Always give way if it can help to avoid an incident.

"Always give way if it can help to avoid an incident" is helpful, but does it trump "give priority to traffic approaching from your right"?

The fact that, "The rules ... do not give you the right of way ... but they advise you when you should give way", might be the solution if it weren't for the fact that the 'give priority' rule is used to apportion blame where there is no independent witness despite compelling but disputable material evidence.

Have I missed a rule? Have I missed the point? Or is the Highway Code flawed in this respect?

Best Answer

You're viewing the code in your mind incorrectly. For any individual driver in a vehicle, there is the road they are on, and there is the roundabout, period. You don't consider any of the other roads. Your intersection is the one the road you are on to the roundabout.

As illustrated, the intersection is not the entire round-about (left), but only where your road intersects the round-about (right), which makes it behave just like any other intersection.

enter image description here

Now that I've described it, how do you feel about the code, as written? If there is a vehicle on the roundabout, it will either be ahead of your intersection (to the left of you) and you can 'disregard it'; or it will be across the roundabout from you (in front of you) and you can (see below*) 'disregard it'; or it will be coming up to your intersection (to your right), in which case the car already on the roundabout has priority.

*Note if it is a small round, or the speed is great, you may have to consider a vehicle technically in front of you, as coming from your right, which it will be very soon. That is part of driving defensively.

Look at it this way. Let us suppose you have two roads, Apple Street and Pear Road. They each carry two way traffic. They cross each other. At the intersection of Apple St. and Pear Rd. there is a four way stop. Four cars pull up, one in each direction. Each road segment has three possible directions of continuing traffic flow. Left turn, right turn, and straight ahead.

Now, let's say that the designers decide to put a roundabout in that intersection. Each part of Apple St ends in a stop sign at the round. Each part of Pear Rd. also ends in a stop sign. Four cars pull up to the stop signs. How many directions can each car go from the stop? One and only one. To the left. If each car is fully stopped, in my example, how many cars are approaching each of the four intersections from the right? None. Each intersection is essentially a T, with one way traffic across the top. All four cars could go. Let's say only one goes around its corner to the left. Now there is one car on the roundabout and as it approaches each of the remaining intersections, it will be the car on the right.

The hard part about roundabouts, and why they ABSOLUTELY suck rocks.... Is that even with stop signs (and they are usually yields, not stops) a roundabout almost always forces merging, and today's youth simply seem to not be taught that skill.

I sincerely hope this helps you.

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What does the Highway Code say about roundabouts?

When reaching a roundabout you should: Always give priority to the traffic coming from the right, unless you have been directed otherwise by signs, road markings or traffic lights. Check if the road markings allow you to proceed without giving way (always look right before joining just in case)

What is the new law on roundabouts?

Under the updated rule, drivers are now told to give priority to cyclists on roundabouts and not cut across their path. Rule 186 states: "Give them plenty of room and do not attempt to overtake them within their lane. Allow them to move across your path as they travel around the roundabout.

What are the rules for roundabouts in the UK?

Turn left, first exit.
  • Check your mirrors.
  • Keep left. ...
  • Signal left.
  • Approach carefully, looking to your right and ahead. ...
  • Once you have an opportunity to your right, go and keep left.
  • Keep your signal on to inform other road users that you're leaving the roundabout.

What is Rule 169 in the Highway Code?

Rule 169:\u201cDo not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow-moving vehicle. \u201cCheck your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe and let traffic pass.\u201d

New Highway Code rules change who has priority at roundabouts

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Pixabay, Ratworks Media, Christina Morillo, Christina Morillo