Anti Inflammatory gel in plane cabin

Anti Inflammatory gel in plane cabin - Person Riding on a Plane

So yesterday I suffered a fibrillary rupture, nothing major, I can still walk properly, and I've been recommended to use this anti inflammatory gel.

So far so good. Now, I have a flight to Osaka with stop in Seoul and I would like to apply the gel in the Seoul stop. I'm a bit confused because the package sais that the gel is 50mg and I'm not sure if it counts as a liquid or not. If it counts as a liquid I assume that it would be 50ml and thus I should be able to bring it in it's own transparent bag.

My main doubts are:

  • Can I bring that gel in the cabin as a carry-on?
  • Can it get me into some kind of trouble in the security check?
  • Does it count as a liquid?

Best Answer

You are not asking the right question, but we are here to help :) The problem is not with carrying it on board. The problem is Japan is one of the most restrictive countries bringing medicines sharing this top tier with the United Arab Emirates and maybe there are a few more countries but I can't recall any other that strict. This is the page to read. While some medicines require obtaining a permit ("Yakkan Shoumei") before you leave (did I mention they are strict??), for your case the quote is this:

When you bring your personal medicines into Japan up to the amount described below, you do not have to apply for "Yakkan Shoumei", instead the officers at customs check the amount of your bringing medicines, and then you can bring them into Japan.

So you must declare your gel at the border and not carry more than two months supply. To be on the safe side, not more than one, in case I misunderstand which category it falls under. One tube is safe. Make sure to carry the original box and paper it came with although diclofenac should be familiar to them but let's not count on it.

Pictures about "Anti Inflammatory gel in plane cabin"

Anti Inflammatory gel in plane cabin - Dashboard of aircraft parked on airfield
Anti Inflammatory gel in plane cabin - Two Pilots Sitting Inside Plane
Anti Inflammatory gel in plane cabin - Unknown Persons Riding on Vehicle

Can I bring a bottle of Advil on a plane?

You can bring your medication in pill or solid form in unlimited amounts as long as it is screened. You can travel with your medication in both carry-on and checked baggage. It's highly recommended you place these items in your carry-on in the event that you need immediate access.

Can I take ibuprofen in my hand luggage?

Just keep them in original packaging. Provided the medication is in tablet form then there is no restriction, take what you like. Security isn't interested in your medication. You will be fine with those drugs in your carry on.

Is ibuprofen allowed on a plane?

NSAIDs (non- steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs) and analgesics acetaminophen (Tylenol) aspirin (Bayer's) ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) naproxen (Naprosyn) Advil PM, Tylenol PM (Most \u201cPM\u201d medications contain diphenhydramine) Most OTC pain meds are safe to fly as long as the underlying condition is acceptable.

Can I take Vicks on a plane?

Due to enhanced security measures liquids, gels, lotions and other items of similar consistency will not be permitted in carry-on baggage. These types of items must be packed in your checked baggage.

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Tim Gouw, Daniel Torobekov, Rafael Cosquiere, Athena