About a re-entry ban [closed]

About a re-entry ban [closed] - Close-Up Shot of Keyboard Buttons

I have been to the United Kingdom on a student visa when I went back to Nigeria after my studies.

However, I returned on a visit visa which I was granted. but I overstayed the visa due to certain issues and I was given a 1 year re-entry ban by the Home office. At that time I was given an admission to do my doctorate degree.

Will I be granted a student visa if I apply for a PHD course and also pay the full tuition fee after the 1 year re-entry ban?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no-one can tell you whether your new visa will be approved. If you obeyed the re-entry ban, and are honest in your application there is a chance you will be accepted but you won't know for sure.

As mentioned in the comments, a UK based immigration solicitor can be found in this answer here.

Pictures about "About a re-entry ban [closed]"

About a re-entry ban [closed] - Black Farmed Sunglasses on Rocks
About a re-entry ban [closed] - Through glass of wooden signboard with inscription Sorry We Are Closed hanging on doors of shop
About a re-entry ban [closed] - Key with trinket in shabby door

WHY YOU CANNOT ENTER THE UK!! |Reasons people are banned | Duration of re-entry ban | Automatic #ban

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Miguel Á. Padriñán, Expect Best, Mathias Reding, Andrea Piacquadio